Entrance Requirements
Anyone who enters the arena will be required to have completed the wellness screening.
In addition, anyone 18 and older must be fully vaccinated to enter the arena (fully vaccinated means you have had 2 doses and it has been at least 2 weeks since your second dose).
Please have your electronic or printed vaccination receipt ready to show the security guard when you arrive.
Those who are eligible for accommodation are requested to have their accommodation validated prior to arriving at the arena. We appreciate the initiative of those who have done so already.
Those who are eligible for accommodation are requested to have their accommodation validated prior to arriving at the arena. We appreciate the initiative of those who have done so already.
Teams will now have 25 minutes prior to their ice time enter the arena and 25 minutes after to exit. Spectators should sit on the same side as their team dressing rooms and exit out the side door on that same side.
Showers are now available, but please ensure you exit the dressing room 25 min after your ice time.
NO Food or Outside drinks
Masks remain mandatory for entrance and the entire time a spectator is in the facility, players/coaches can remove their mask when their helmet goes on.
Seats are marked with an X inside the cold part of the arena, please maintain 6ft in other areas.
Tryouts and Local Team assignments will start next week.
Players 12 and older (and all bench staff) will be required to demonstrate their fully vaccinated status prior to being placed on an official roster. Please be prepared to show this at your initial team meeting where you will also be asked to complete a Player Medical Information Sheet, Code of Conduct for Player, Code of Conduct for Parent, complete the Gender Identity and Expression course, Confirm Respect in Sport for Parents has been completed, make arrangements for the refundable volunteer fee ($100 per family paid by the oldest family member) and be provided with some high level details on the season.
Due to the overwhelming success of the smaller group sizes we enjoyed last season and the generosity of our skills sponsor (Greenlane Environmental) we have arranged for the smaller group sizes to continue this year. We are excited to have Mark Ellis and his team back to provide sessions on Monday and Friday. To support the smaller groups we have brought in a new provider PHD to offer sessions on Wednesday. We are offering 10 weeks of sessions staring in October, keep an eye on our schedule. Our investment in skills is paying off – we had 5 players make the jump to AAA this season in addition to the 3 already there and still anticipate having very competitive teams this year!
Goalies are welcome to attend with their team, but are also encouraged to book goalie specific training with the provider of their choice. Expenses up to $400 per goalie will be reimbursed upon the submission of a receipt.
Volunteer Opportunities
We are still looking to fill the Game Day operations position and the Association Head Trainer.
There are still a couple of timekeeper/gate attendant positions to fill.
Referee Course
Referees will be in very short supply this year, if you are a U18 player and willing to attend the training course, PSMHA will pay your registration fee!
Still a few spots open in some age divisions. Please contact [email protected] to inquire on which ages/levels still have space.
Alex Russell
President, PSMHA