April 17, 2018 meeting 7 pm. Port Stanley Arena --Called to order at 7:07p.m.
Approval of Agenda with additions of the Election of Director of Development and two Directors at Large Positions. Motion: Alex Russell Second Scott Bate –CARRIED
Approval of Past Minutes- Motion to approve minutes- Scott Bate--Second by Christy Hunking--CARRIED
In attendance were 10 Board members Karen Carroll, Luke Cummings, Scott Bate, Christy Hunking, Shane MacPherson, Candice Wakulich, Craig Sims, Alex Russell, Ryan Barendreght, and Rob Fellows-late.
In addition there were 58 voting members and 4 non-members, and OMHA reps Glenn Silver and Bob Hall present.
Presidents Address: Karen Carroll Karen wanted to thank all volunteers, coaches and bench staff, and broomball volunteers, who all volunteered their time this season. The Broomball tournament raised approximately $6500 and this will be used towards keeping hockey affordable for PSMHA members. The novice rep team was the OMHA West DD Champions – PSMHA has won back to back OMHA champions for novice the past two seasons. Our Local League teams had a great season and several teams won their division playoffs. There were few disciplinary issues this season.
OMHA/Shamrock Report –Luke Cummings Once again it was a struggle this season to field rep teams. The novice team was successful and won the OMHA DD championship. The atom rep team was not competitive and the decision was made early in the season to drop the team down to Local League.
Information on changes on OMHA programming for novice and below is available on the OMHA website ( the concentration is on development and cross-ice play transitioning to full ice by the end of novice.
LMLL Report – Bob Hepburn –absent- no report provided.
Program Development-Rob Fellows –arrived late and no report provided.
Coaching Report- Scott Bate –Scott wanted to thank all volunteers, bench staff and coaches and appreciated all the time they contributed to make this season successful. It takes a lot of people to run a team and there are a lot of qualifications that are needed to be certified to volunteer. Everyone who applied this season had a position in the organization. There were no formal complaints received about any coaching staff member
Equipment Report-Craig Sim-Craig took the position ½ ways into the season. Nothing to report.
IP Program Report- Kevin Barendreght It was a good year there were 2 SR IP teams and 2 JR IP teams split into skill levels. All SR and JR IP programming was cross ice this season as mandated by the OMHA. There was no LMLL SR IP league this season, the local coaches all got together and arranged an exhibition schedule of 10 games this past season. The JR IP teams participated in the Aylmer Tournament/Festival, and the SR IP teams participated in 2 tournaments/festivals this past season. All teams were competitive but some of the bigger centers were better. SR IP players were able to participate in the skills provided in the fall. It was a little chaotic at the beginning but there was lots of improvement in the kids who participated. Thanks to all the parents, coaches and volunteers for a great year and your help was greatly appreciated.
Registration Report-Candice Wakulich –Ice fees are increasing next year –, in addition there is an increase in OMHA/OHF fees/insurance next season therefore fees are increasing $75 per participant next season. Reminder that there are NO cash payments accepted for registration. Payments are accepted from cheque, credit card (except American Express) and etransfers. Registration is open online and available until July 1-2018 after that time there is a late fee applied to your registration. All fees need to be paid before your child is allowed to participate. This past season we had 185 registered PSMHA players with 25 PSMHA playing in other rep centers (i.e. AAA, NRP, AA/A, AE). Last season we had 233 registered players in PSMHA. Registration numbers have decreased. The biggest change was in the midget aged group. Our rep team folded and a large number played in St Thomas on the midget AE team this past season.
Financial Report- Alex Russell –see report provided. Projections –it was a tough year as the registration numbers are down from last season. Surplus money from our community partners donations paid for skills for PSMHA in the fall. Pucks are always disappearing and need to be replaced. There are some small outstanding bills to pay for this season. We had a deficit this year and our surplus is less than in previous seasons. We will start the season with $10 000 in the bank for start-up fees for the new season. It would have been worse if we did not have the community sponsorship partners that generously donate funds to PSMHA. Special thanks to Greenlane sponsorship which has paid for skill development for PSMHA. It is not guaranteed funds as we must apply for this sponsorship each season. The value has decreased every year as our registration numbers have decreased and there has been an increase in requests for monies from other groups for donations from Greenlane.
Sponsorship Report- position still vacant Luke reached out and secured some sponsorship this past season. Greenlane is the largest one. Thanks to all sponsors: Lions Club, Optimist Club, Shedden Tractor Pull, Scotia Bank, Yarmouth Metals, Herm’s, GT”s on the Beach, Port Stanley Legion , Wellington Street Family Dentistry, Dodge Caravan kids, a donation in memory of Wayne Striet , Tim Hortons, Hockey Mom’s.
A special thank you to Sharon Cummings and Debbie Whalls for the donation of numerous hours of their time volunteering at the 2018 Broomball tournament.
Preservation of PSMHA committee report –Alex Russell –Our registration numbers have been declining every year (not unique to our organization) - every year the board must discuss which teams PSMHA will run. After the last AGM PSMHA reached out to Belmont, West Lorne, St. Thomas, and Aylmer to initiate discussions on a possible merger. There was no response from West Lorne, Belmont was not interested at the present time, St Thomas expressed some interest, and Aylmer’s current president was not interested. A proposal was sent to St Thomas – resembling the King Township MHA agreement with shared administration of the new center instead of PSMHA being consumed by the bigger St Thomas center. Despite initial interest, as the season progressed and a number of our rep teams folded, St Thomas’ interest waned. There was some dialogue at the end of the season but they were waiting to see what the outcome was from the PSMHA AGM in April 2018.
A Donation Box was at the meeting for the Humboldt Broncos Go Fund Me for PSMHA members to donate to this cause.
Constitution Amendment Motion #1 - To Remove Representative Hockey From Port Stanley Minor Hockey
Reference - Article 2 #4 (ii) Port Stanley Minor Hockey Association Constitution
Motion By - Scott Bate
2nd By - Christy Hunking
** This Will Make PSMHA a Local League Only Center**
Submitted February 26, 2018
Scott Bates Rationale: We are a small DD center and registration is decreasing –DD is the smallest center size in OMHA and PSMHA has a lack of players and has had difficulty fielding rep teams in the past. Teams have been cancelled, the number of rep kids has decreased and we lose kids to AAA, NRP to A centers, and to rogue leagues such as the London Cobras. We are losing the highest calibre players and it has resulted in the cancelling of teams. In the past LL players were encouraged to play rep and the method proved to be futile, there was a general frustration of parents and players an example is the Atom rep team which folded this season. The problem is that when a rep team folds in PSMHA they can try out at the next closest center BUT St Thomas try outs are in May before our registration closes on July 1. The players then miss out on tryouts as they wait inevitably for the cancellation of out rep teams and can try out for AE or return for LL. It takes away opportunities to play at the highest level for these kids. It has persisted for years as there is not a lot kids in PSMHA. IP numbers are not as good as they seem when the inbound kids are broken into birth year. PSMHA has explored for the past few years our options, amalgamation talks were attempted with Aylmer, Belmont, St Thomas, and West Lorne without success. We should take a proactive approach to cancel rep and provide a solid LL program. There will be no effect on the current LL system- this will simply give kids who want to play rep the opportunity to play rep.
Questions and Discussion from those in attendance
Jean D- Came from St Thomas and is worried that folding rep may negatively impact the LL program Glenn S- OMHA rep doesn’t feel that elimination of rep would affect the LL program as there are other centers (Thamesford and Point Edward) that are LL only – he feels it may even enhance the LL program.
Hugh G- rumours that OMHA would eliminate boundaries-Glenn S say there are no plans for the OMHA to open boundaries.
Can we go back to rep in future?
Glenn S – You can apply back to OMHA if numbers are justified to reinstate Rep programming, and shared boundaries should stay the same as 2000-01 agreement with local hockey associations. The OMHA does not make boundaries but assist with boundary disputes. Remember there are NO boundaries for LL hockey. A few years ago local centers were attempting to discuss shared boundaries for a new agreement and talks broke down and no changes could be agreed upon.
Since larger centers have gone to spring try outs it has created difficulties for smaller centers. St Thomas’ spring try outs only started a few years ago.
Glenn was asked for clarification of the 3.5 rule and releasing members. If a 3.5 release was granted 2 seasons in a row because the center could not field a rep team they are eligible for a release. However, a release is not given automatically- the player (parent) must request the release.
Rob F-Only 15 kids make an A team, what about the other kids who can’t make the A team – they are forced to play AE or LL. They had no options last season to go to Aylmer West Lorne, or Belmont
Glenn says if he was aware of the situation he has bypassed centers in the past if there was need for players and rep program in St Thomas is full. Glenn reminded membership that the backflow NRP was passed last season. –However, this did not help our center as St Thomas players were required to try out for AE first. Ron F stated that AE teams are competitive teams.
Dan C- Asked if Port moved to LL only would Port kids be guaranteed a spot also would teams be equally dispersed or tiered? Usually they are equally dispersed with the coached having a draft. There is not supposed to be tiering in LL but other centers have been known to tier teams. Details and policies about registration will have to be discussed to address this question. Usually spots are guaranteed if registered by the July 1 deadline.
Farley S- A few kids seem to be penalized by the rep issues in PSMHA – can try outs not be moved earlier? There is no ice time in Port past Easter weekend- this continues to be an issue. This year maybe too late but in the past it was attempted to get players to register early to determine registration numbers, however, people have signed up and changed their mind in the past as try outs approached forcing late cancellation of rep teams.
Peter V – Many kids signed up for rep last year and withdrew which was not fair to everyone.
Cheryl K – Some kids still want to play rep for PSMHA. We should encourage kids to play in Port; sometimes more encouragement is needed to build our center to keep kids in Port.
Skills have been provided to increase the skill level of our players. However, when kids leave for AAA and NRP it is hard on the kids who are left.
Ken M- When rep teams get their butts kicked it discourages the best rep kids from wanting to play in Port.
Tammy R asked how many kids signed up for rep in Peewee last season. 13 had registered to try out for rep in PSMHA last season. Luke C-The board made a decision in July that the quality of the players was poor and they folded the rep team at that time. Tammy stated that the kids don’t have to win to have fun.
Jeff T – In favour for LL only thinks best option is an AA zone in Elgin County. Numbers in hockey are dropping and this allows players the opportunity to play rep. A lot of options have been tried over the years and none have been successful.
Survey was just to gauge interest in this subject. Only 50% of the surveys were returned and it was a 60(to stay as is)/40 (LL only center).
Jim F- What does this organization want to do? Skills have been great, in St Thomas house league is only once a week, PSMHA offers more and his grandson loves LL in Port. He played one season where the team only won 1 game and everyone still learned something. Sometimes teams are going to lose but he felt that rep should be kept in PSMHA.
VOTE ON THE MOTION –counted by Glenn Silver and Bob Hall
YES – to remove rep 32 votes
NO—to stay as is 34 votes –motion DEFEATED
A motion to destroy the ballots Shane MacPherson Second Craig – Carried
Peter V- upset with result and felt only Rep kids parents should have been able to vote for the motion.
This concluded the 2017-18 PSMHA reports. Elections to be held.
Director of Sponsorship-Brian Rieger nominated Rick Lalonde. There were no other nomintations. Rick accepted the position.
Director of Fundraising-Dan Collins nominated Tammy Ford. Cheryl Kaplanis nominated Christy Hunking. Tammy declined. Christy accepted the position.
Director of Equipment- Shane Macpherson nominated Craig Sim. There were no other nominations. Craig accepted the position.
IP Director – Mel Wilcox nominated Kevin Barendreght. Kevin Barendreght nominated Kevin Lynch. Both declined. –position is still open.
Treasurer – Christy Hunking nominated Alex Russell. Alana Howie nominated Kelly Ward. Kelly declined. Alex accepted the position.
Secretary- Erin Bate nominated Kelly Savage. There were no other nominations. Kelly accepted the position.
Director of LL- Larry Hunking nominated Hugh Geurts. Craig Sim nominated Jean Devine. Both declined. Karen Carroll nominated Shane Macpherson. Shane MacPherson nominated Margaret Powell. Alex Russell nominated Sandra Graham. Shane and Sandra declined. Margaret accepted the position.
Director of Development- Scott Bate nominated Ryan Adams. There were no other nominations. Ryan accepted the position via email.
Director at Large (2) - Alex Russell nominated Sandra Lake. Craig Sim nominated Jason Wiener. Larry Hunking nominated Jean Devine. Kevin Rupple nominated Dan Collins., Christy Hunking nominated Shane Macpherson. Sandra, Dan, and Shane all declined. Jason and Jean accepted the positions.
President – Hugh Geurts nominated Karen Carroll. Karen Carroll nominated Hugh Geurts. Jason Wiener nominated Todd Sawyer. Shane nominated Mel Wilcox. All declined. Position is still open.
VP of Shamrock will be acting President – Luke Cummings. (If Shane agrees to taking VP –OMHA/Shamrock position Luke will agree to be President.
The meeting was adjourned.