March 2018 (Port Stanley Minor Hockey)

PrintMarch 2018

March 20, 2018 meeting 6:30 pm. Port Stanley Legion
  Luke, Craig, Heather, Shane, Candice, Christie, and Rob
Parent Team Rep Reports
PEEWEE 1- TODD –Team is in the final round against Lambton Shores.   Ajax tournament is this weekend (Team owes $20 out of province tournament fee).-was this paid?   Wanted to know when results for survey will be posted on the website.
NOVICE LL – Shane- Second in a recent tournament.
ATOM 2 LL-Shane- Finished first in pool after regular season, then won the 1st round vs Mount Brydges, Finals are versus South Huron.
PEEWEE 2-LL – Candice -Tournament in Tillsonburg this weekend.  Doesn’t like the loser vs loser round in local league.
BANTAM 1 LL- Craig- Tournament in AJAX this weekend.  Won B finals vs Dorchester 2.
BANTAM 2 LL –CHRISTIE- Tournament in Tillsonburg this weekend.  In finals versus Dorchester 1.
MIDGET 2 LL – Christy-lost in Simcoe tournament las weekend.
Approval of Past Minutes- Motion to approve minutes- Luke --Second by Shane-   All in favour.
OMHA/Shamrock Report –Luke –
 IP/tyke/novice programming was discussed.  As he understands PSMHA can make their own guidelines.  Problems will be with governance and who is going to monitor this as there are no game sheets. 
Novice 2020- concentrations on development then cross ice hockey finishing with a transition to full ice hockey.  It is recommended that they have 64 ice times- not sure how we can provide this much ice time.
Electronic Game sheets are coming soon.
Shamrock is adding 5 centers to the league from West-Windsor way.
Motions to OMHA AGM are due 2nd week of April.
Permission to skate forms are available April 1-2018.
Shamrock AGM is April 9th in Komoka and All-star game in is St Marys April 8th.

LMLL Report – Bob –via email Dorchester withdrew from hosting the all-star game –looking for center to volunteer
IP Program Report- absent
Financial Report- Alex –see report provided
Registration Report-Candice –ice fees are increasing next year –estimated to increase ice costs $12 000 for the season, in addition there is an increase in OMHA/OHF fees/insurance next season $7/member.  We need to increase registration fees to accommodate these increases. 
Motion made by Luke:  To increase fees by $75 for all player for next season.  Second Craig All in favour.
Coaching Report- Scott absent
Equipment Report-Craig – Pucks are still disappearing.
Scott is to email all coaches and ask coached to make sure they return all jerseys- cleaned.
Socks will need to be discussed with the new board—can we continue to afford giving free socks? We may have to change policy in the future.
Program Development-Rob –Tried to get coaching clinics this season without success.  Disappointed that the second goalies session was cancelled.
Fundraising Report-Christy –nothing to report
Sponsorship Report- position still vacant
Special Events/Tournaments-Heather nothing to report.
Preservation of PSMHA committee report - Nothing received from Belmont or Aylmer as to if they are interested in amalgamating.
Rules and Regulations Update –review and send any corrections/suggestions by email.
AGM – April 17th, 2018, AGM –
The board discussed add amendment for the AGM That the president needs to be on the board in the previous season. – Was past the deadline for submission.  (Any motion needs to be submitted by March 10th, 2018 before midnight in writing/email to secretary PSMHA.  Motions need to be posted –post on website- as to motions open 30 days before.)
Voting card given to eligible member at AGM
BROOMBALL –20 teams are registered Drinks will be $4/drink.

Motion to adjourn meeting 8:45 pm Shane second Candice all in favour.