Click here for AAA Tryout FAQ.
- When does registration occur?
Registration opens in April. It will remain open until July 1st. Registrations received after July 1st are subject to a $100 late fee and spot on a roster cannot be guaranteed. Registrations after Aug 1st will only be accepted if there are spots available in the specific division.
If my son/daughter decides not to play, can I get a refund?
Please see the Registration Refund Policy.
- What qualifications are required to become involved on my son/daughter's team?
Pt. Stanley Minor Hockey follows the OMHA qualifications for all rostered staff. Depending on the age level and type of hockey (rep or local league) different qualifications apply. For more specific qualifications, please visit the OMHA website or contact Port Stanley Minor Hockey. Please note: most Coaching clinics are usually offered in the fall, check the OMHA website for available clinics. The trainer course is available as an online course (link is on PSMHA website).
All bench staff need to have :
1. Up to date certification (coach or trainer)
2. Respect in Sport (RIS) for Officials (the parents RIS does not qualify)
3. Gender trainer online course
4. A current police check.
- I would like to help out with my son/daughter's team but not be a coach?
Beyond I/P it is at the discretion of the head coach, how many assistants he requires during a practice. All on ice assistants need to be registered as volunteers to qualify for OMHA insurance.
All on ice assistants above I/P must be RIS certified. Bench staff for games can consist of 1 certified Head Coach, 1 or 2 certified assistant coaches, 1 or 2 HTCP certified trainers and 1 only RIS certified Manager (to a Maximum of 5 Bench Staff).
All on ice volunteers who are under 16 years old must wear full hockey equipment and must be registered on an OMHA minor hockey team to have insurance coverage.
· All Players must have at least one parent complete the online Parent PRS Certification before that player can be rostered to a team. A player will be ineligible to play games if this is not completed.
- I am unhappy about my child's coach. What can I do?
If a parent is unhappy with their child's coach we ask that you first wait 24 hours before approaching the team manager or Parent Rep, who would take the matter to the specific coach or coaching staff. Should the matter not be solved to your satisfaction, you may take it further by approaching your division convenor. Failing that, you can file a complaint, in writing, directly to the PSMHA Executive.
- What is the difference between Local League and Rep Hockey ?
For some, the difference is minimal, while others believe it to be substantial. Simply speaking the Rep league is a competitive league that a player must reside within PSMHA restricted boundaries or shared boundaries (and have made their Right Of Choice to PSMHA )and be selected by the Head Coach of the Rep team during a try out. While players wishing to play local league are guaranteed a spot on a team no matter their skill or place of residence. While both leagues enjoy the sport at its fullest, rep team players tend to be more skilled and tend to travel further distances for games. Rep team players also are required to pay an additional Rep fee over and above the base registration fee that Local League team players pay.
- When is the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held and who can attend and vote at this meeting?
The Annual General Meeting is held at the end of each year in April. All of the members are entitled to vote at the AGM. Proposed changes to the Constitution and By-Laws are presented to the members along with elections for the Executive board.

Important things to remember:
· Kids cannot go on the ice without the neck guard and mouth guard
· Make sure the equipment fits properly. If it doesn’t, it won’t properly protect your child,and your child will struggle unnecessarily. Any sports store can help you with this, to ensure proper fitting for maximum protection.
· A stick should come up to the child’s chin on skates. If you don’t know which way your child shoots, most stores offer straight sticks that will be sufficient until they decide for themselves.
· Skates that are too small may result in sore and cold feet.
· Blade Sharpening
a. New skates do not come sharpened, so get them done before first ice.
b. Frequency of sharpening depends on frequency of use. (~once per 4-6 ice times).
c. If your child walks on concrete without guards, their skates will need to be sharpened immediately.
· Make sure your child comes to practice or a game with a bottle of water.