December 2018 (Port Stanley Minor Hockey)

PrintDecember 2018


Date: Dec 18, 2018 meeting 6:30 pm. St. Thomas Roadhouse (commenced at 6:40)

Attendees: Margaret Powell, Rick Lalonde, Scott Bate, Jean Devine, Ryan Adams, Christy Hunking, Alex Russell

Regrets: Heather Payne, Shane MacPherson, Jason Weiner, Craig Sim, Kelly Savage, Luke Cummings, Joe Hentz

Parent Team Rep Reports (no Parent Reps in attendance)

Approval of Past Minutes

MOTION PASSED : Motion to approve minutes –Christy / Jean. All in favour. Motion Carried.


Registrar Report:

204 registrants total this year here are the age breakdown with number of players in each age group 



















As an association we are going to have to change our organizations allocation of kids for teams.  This season a lot of kids were moved from SR IP to JR IP (preschool).  Preschool (or our JR IP-beginner program) is for kids 4 and under only.  IP is for kids 5-6 years old and Tyke is 7 year olds.  Next year – register kids by age not skill. Adjust after registered if required. 


Next year it might be better to have two Tyke teams of 10+ as currently they are not able to AP to fill out their team. They are currently finding themselves short of players for games.


Directors Notes:

Margaret- Director of Local League


·         Three ref system recommended by LMLL for Midget league games. We are trying to do this anytime 3 Refs are available in Port.

·         Three ref system will be used for playdowns for Midget and Bantam

·         There has been a delay on getting cheques to the Refs as we are waiting on second signatures. Is e-transfer a possibility?


·         Tyke sheets must be sent in to OMHA to cover insurance, Max number of games for Tyke is 26

·         Require league fees for Tyke teams ($140) – [Cheque received from Alex for this at the meeting]


·         Jan 15th is the cut off for APs

½ Ice boards

·         Less than 50% of the LMLL group have the ½ ice boards, Belmont is happy with their half ice boards

Game Sheet

·         Game Sheet charge is over $6000 for the league. Centers will receive an estimate invoice for what we owe and then there will be a reconciliation. Charges are $250 to be spilt across the league and then $2 / game paid by the centers.


·         No other centers have been approached for that image copyright infringement.

·         Peewee 1 - Manager approached executive with 3 sponsors willing to donate jerseys. [Rick is in contact and will follow up]

·         Tyke complaints to gate about charging fees but this is a LMLL decision so maybe we need to make parents aware of this. [Email sent to parent who raised the concern by MP]

Craig- Director of Equipment [Absent]

Ryan - Director of Development

·         Discussed the lack of attendance for Goalie skills

·         Suggested that perhaps next season we could target a practice spot for Goalie training and rotate the teams through that time slot. Keeps the time slot consistent for the skills coach.

Scott- Director of Coaching

·         No issues

Rick- Director of Sponsorship

·         ½ Ice boards

o   Raise the Boards Committee have been successful at raising $3000 from several sources including (Legion, Lioness Club and personal donations) to go towards funding the boards

o   Central Elgin has agreed to purchase and store the boards at their expense. There will be no advertising allowed on the boards.

o   Raise the Boards Committee will try to go back to the sponsors and ask if those funds could be used to purchase the Tyke Net. Net cost is $2700 with tax $3052. There may be the opportunity to purchase the nets through Central Eglin – to avoid HST brining the funds owed to $2747.52.

MOTION PASSED : Motion to purchase Tyke Nets – presented by Alex and seconded by Christy. All in favour. Motion Carried.


·         Cheque from Shedden Tractor Pull for PeeWee1. Jersey Bars to be installed on Team Jerseys in recognition. $5 / bar. $180 for a set of Jerseys.

·         Emails with Elgin Community to cover iPad, but requires the Non Profit number.  Donation is $500.  True Sport will allow us to use their non-profit number at a cost of $25.

·         Follow up: Joe/Luke have we filed the paper work for the Non Profit number

Christy- Director of Fundraising:

·         No update

Heather- Director of Tournaments and Events: [Absent]

Joseph – Director of I/P- [Absent]

Alex- Treasurer: see report

·         Jan 15 is the deadline for teams to reimburse PMSHA for any Tournament fees paid on a team’s behalf.

·         Ice time - As playoffs start in the new year – Once eliminated from the playoffs your season ends and so does your ice time.  In past years we have discussed providing teams with one additional ice time after they have been eliminated from the playoffs, but some tried to select when they would take it and it was a mess that resulted in burned ice. 

MOTION PASSED : Motion to add additional cheque signing privileges to Vice President roles – presented by Jean and seconded by Christy. All in favour. Motion Carried.


Shane-OMHA and Shamrock Representative: [Absent]



Discussion Items


·         Investigate the process to get people smart server certified so that we can run the bar [Jean]

Elgin County Shared Boundary Initiative

·         Scott and Ryan presented details about a potential shared boundary initiative with Aylmer, Belmont, Port, St Thomas and West Lorne to build AA, A and AE calibre teams

·         This adds a level of play to our current structure:

o   Players can try out for the Elgin County team. They would have to try out for each level for example – AA if they are not successful they would funnel down through the next available team. Tryout would be early spring.

o   Rep teams could happen in Port if number permit to compete at the DD level. Current numbers/interest show there would only be Atom Rep next year at Port.

o   LL teams would remain as is at Port

·         Currently a similar initiative has been approved by OMHA for Essex.

·         Decision to move forward requires Board Vote, not general membership. PMHA will still communicate the details to the parents. Decision required by Jan 31

·         Board would like to put a communication plan together for parents. Jean has agreed to summarize the materials so that they can be sent to the parents. She will forward to the board.

·         The details of this communication will be posted on the web site and we will direct parents to there

·         We will discuss at our next executive meeting

·         Parent information session to be scheduled on Wednesday January 16th at 7:30 – Room at Rink would need to be booked.

·         Board should review the initiative and develop a list of questions.

·         Encourage parent reps to attend the next executive meeting with feedback


MOTION PASSED : Motion to donate gate to the Port Stanley Foodbank – presented by Alex and seconded by Christy. All in favour. Motion Carried.

Items for Follow up

1.    Hockey Hall of Fame player award for Tyke and Atom. Did this goto Luke?

2.    Broomball – We typically do buy the insurance and set up registration in January.  Rather than giving money away to have someone else run the bar we discussed the executive getting their smart serve and doubling our bar profit.  We could/should also start recruiting volunteers so we only have to work 1 day over the weekend

3.    Review and update Disciplinary Policy

4.    Thank you cards for Sponsors

5.    Smart Serve

Key Dates



Jan 7th

Shamrock Playdown Meeting @ Strathroy

Jan 29 – Jan 31

LMLL Scheduling for 1st round Playoffs – scheduled by email

Feb 1st – Feb 25th

LMLL 1st Round Playoffs

Feb 9

Hockey day in Port

Feb 26 – 28

LMLL Scheduling for 2nd round Playoffs- scheduling by email

Feb 29 – March ?

LMLL 2nd Round of Playoffs

April 19th

Last Ice

April 19th – 22th




Nov 15-17

2019 Atom Tournament