Date: October 15 2019, 630pm at the Pierside Pub
Approval of Past Minutes- September Minutes – Alex Russell and seconded by Kelly Savage
Attendees: Craig Sim, Alex Russell, Rick Lalonde, Joe Hentz, Margaret Powell, Shelley Boyes, Jean Devine, Kelly Savage
Regrets: Scott Bate, Ryan Adams, Shane MacPherson, Janet Wilson, Greg Graham
Registrar Report:
Directors Notes:
Margaret- Director of Local League
- Port Convenor - Tim Ross
- Coaches need to come to LMLL rep to change games – shouldn’t be working directly with the other coaches
- Novice / Minor Novice had a scheduling meeting to book their games
Standards of Play rules
Gate / Time should be tracking and make coach aware when they hit the 8th minute
Player leaves ice when 8th minute is assessed, another player sits penalty
Gate crew should flag the player with a GE101
Document to be posted in the Ref Room and gate box
Regional Championship update
Each league will run one championship April 4 & 5 in Leamington
Top team from each league – 3 team championship tournament / series
Ideally run as a tournament – Looking for centers who might have late ice who would be willing to help
LMLL Executive will be involved in running and supporting with volunteers
Gate Fees will be in effect
There may be a cost for teams to enter
Gate Update
Selling Gate passes ($40 / 10 games, or $20 / 10 games)
Collected $1070 to date
Lori & Lynn are doing a fantastic job managing the team
Silver Stick Pins Ordered
4 teams are currently planning to attend
Sourced and ordered 500 pins that are targeted to arrive before the first tournament
Plan to sell extras at gate as a fundraising effort
Action Item: pins bought by the board to sell as a fundraising tactic at the beginning of the season.
Sponsorship Thank You
Handed out to sponsors thank you cards with the sponsorship paperwork for tournament and team included
Optimist $1000 donation – $800 towards a team and $200 towards the tournament. We have agreed to sell chocolate bars for them again at the tournament or broomball.
Can we do some social media recognition of team sponsors?
Atom LL had some companies interested in sponsors did we follow up on this?
Craig- Director of Coaching:
Shelley- Director of Tournament and Events:
Ryan - Director of Development:
Rick- Director of Sponsorship:
GT’s have agreed to a three-year team sponsorship
Port Stanley Optimist – agreed to a 1-year sponsorship, they have $800 for a team and $200 towards the tournament (thanks Margaret)
Wellington St Family Dentistry- have agreed to a two-year sponsorship
Port Stanley Lioness- they have decided to a three-year sponsorship as well as give $200 towards the tournament (thanks Shelley)
Sponsorship bars- ordered and expected within 2 weeks
Pop up Banners- Alex to deliver to arena to be inspected and then add sponsors to it
Frosters Sponsorship – Both Peewee teams and one Bantam team have signed up. Next step is to order the crests for the jerseys
Greenlane Community Fund- We have been given the full amount asked for, approx. $20,000. Towards skill development and equipment for the younger players
Joe – Director of I/P-
Jean – Treasurer Report:
Shane-OMHA and Shamrock Representative:
Greg- Director of Equipment:
West Lorne Atom team information:
To make a team they made it a rep team so they wouldn’t lose anyone to 3.5s.
The team is a mix of higher end (last few cuts of AAA) players and players that are new to hockey.
They were beat badly in their first game and those rep level players are exploring their options elsewhere.
Some (5) of the remaining players live in the Dutton area and are very interested in coming to Port.
Parents have been bombarding our phones/email desperately looking for a place to play.
We have a large 15 skater atom roster, if we take the 5 from Dutton, we will have 2 smaller teams of 10.
You cannot AP from Novice.
We can retain our Atom rep team and still accommodate these kids
Motion submitted by Kelly: “to create a second Atom LL team, provided we have a firm commitment from 10 skaters. The commitment can be shown from NEW players with a deposit of $200. And from existing players by an email by Oct 18th at 9pm”, seconded by Jean. Motioned carried with a vote of 5:2.
Message from Alex
refs for Midget and Bantam, did we decide on two or three?
Any update on the boundary/amalgamation discussion?
Important Dates:
October 23
Minor Novice season begins (ends Mar 11)
October 25-26th
Team photographs
November 1-3
Port Stanley Memorial Atom LL Tournament
December 3
LMLL Scheduling meeting (Dec 4- Jan 25)
January 15
Novice full ice implementation
January 28
LMLL Playoff Round 1 (Jan 29-Feb 23)
February 9
Hockey Day in Canada
February 25
LLML Playoff round 2 (Feb 26 -Mar 31)