Date: January 26, 2021
Attendees: Alex Russell, Isabelle Marchand, Greg Graham, Shelley Boyes, Margaret Powell, Rick Lalonde, Joe Hentz, Jean Devine, Steve Van Duyhoven, Mark Vergeer, Amber Brooks, Janet Wilson and Jeremy Rouse
Regrets: Stephanie Haynes
Motion to begin meeting: Greg and seconded by Jeremy @ 7:00 pm
Motion to End Meeting: Alex and seconded by Jean @ 8:30 pm
Motion to approve December minutes: Alex and seconded by Jeremy
Registrar Report: Nothing
Topics of Discussion:
Directors Notes:
President- Alex Russell
Having attended several OHF, OMHA and President working groups over the last couple of weeks I am struck at how well we managed this season. We have a great working relationship with our arena operator. I have had regular dialogue with our key contacts and found them very helpful and professional in setting up our original protocols, support in getting and keeping us open and parents inside the arena, and information sharing on the decision criteria for removing the ice. Many associations have no dialogue and strict contractual relationships, their ice went in, processes established and was removed without any discussion. We delivered the best quality skills around – and a complete set of 10 sessions, with more possible.
Not a single COVID case within our association!
Several associations have serious financial issues because they did not factor in the increased costs of ice due to reduced participants per ice time. Thought they were doing the right thing by charging less in a season without games, only later realizing this is more expensive a gate revenue was higher than ref expenses. Didn’t insist on registration fees be paid per the normal schedule and are now chasing for ice already used. Didn’t have anything in reserve for a rainy day. Overly reliant on tryouts/tournaments/large corporate donors to balance their budgets. Many others achieved balance by reducing skills or ice times. A large number of other associations spent the season arguing against restrictions, developing work-arounds and complaining about what they couldn’t do. Our focus on doing the best we could despite everything else was rare and this is a great foundation for us moving forward.
VP and Director of Local League- Isabelle Marchand
nothing to report
Director of Coaching- Greg Graham
· Requested that something be posted to remind everyone that coaching evaluations can be completed.
o Rick will update form and put notice on website
· Greg to send notice to coaching staff to confirm:
o If coaches will continue coaching for the remainder of the season
o Point parents and guardians to the website for season updates
Director of Tournament and Events- Shelley Boyes
· "Fill the Van" food drive was a huge success. Thank you to all who supported it. We raised it to think $370.00 in monetary donations and we filled the van to the brim with food, and winter wear.
· Hockey Day in Canada-On hold
· Reminder to all board members and coaches to ensure all event info is passed on to their teams or community contacts. Some families and community members are not on social media or regularly check the website, so we rely on our sailor's team members to support the communication process.
· Beer shed this Saturday at 11am
Motion to order Sailor's Thank You cards ($80.00). No picture, just our logo to use to thank our community partners who supported our events
Shelley put forward motion, Alex seconded. All approved.
Motion to buy three $10.00 ($30.00) Tim cards to thank our three Santa's who supported the event
Shelley put forward motion Alex seconded. All approved.
Director of Development- Margaret Powell
· Mark Ellis is open to provide more skills if we are interested
o Will see what happens with the season and then determine what steps we take
Director of Sponsorship- Rick Lalonde
· First sponsorship cheque from Greenlane was deposited
o Will inquiry about the remainder; Alex to forward letter that accompanied cheque for Rick’s review
Director of I/P- Joe Hentz -Nothing to report at this time
Treasurer - Jean Devine
Motion to approve December 2020 financials. Margaret put forward, Alex seconded. All approved.
Here is some information to keep in mind for tonight's meeting. Our current balance in the bank account is $116k. This can be used when making a decision on this season’s next steps.
Below is the refund chart that was shared previously:
Grand Total
VP and Director of OMHA and Shamrock Representative- Steve Van Duyhoven
Nothing to report
Director of Communications-Stephanie Haynes
Nothing to report
Director of Equipment - Janet Wilson
Nothing to report
Director of Fundraising- Amber Brooks
Mask sales went well but there are still over 10 left unsold. I would like to post the extras for sale on the Facebook group, this was agreed to. Someone specific order 10 masks and has yet to respond to multiple contact attempts. Board agreed that these should be sold.
Funds should be submitted to the Board via eft to [email protected] with email that shows:
· Total collected to date
· Original cost of the masks (to be withheld by Amber), with receipt of payment
· Amount deposited
· Number of masks left to be sold
Director at Large- Jeremy Rouse
Nothing to report
Director at Large- Mark Vergeer
Nothing to report
Margaret presented:
I think our meeting needs to focus building a plan for these potential outcomes so that EVERYONE IS CLEAR when walk away from the meeting what our course of action will be when the time comes and we are not scrambling to meet or trying to do this by email.
Potential Outcomes
1. If the Ice is Removed:
a. Provide refund based on Season end date
Question : What would that be? - I think we should provide a refund based on Mid December end to the season. Our COVID policy is a little vague saying "if it ends in December" but doesn't say a date. In my opinion we used more than half of what we would have in December so that makes sense, but we should have a decision on this.
b. Allow people to carryforward remaining balance / refund to next year registration. (@Jean is this a big hassle?)
c. Get back the Jerseys
2. If we are able to get back on the ice:
a. People can opt out and get a refund. (@Jean - is this feasible?)
b. People can opt out and transfer their refund to next season (@Jean is this a hassle to track?)
c. People can get back on the ice:
i. Mention that schedules / ice times are subject to change based on registration changes.
ii. With remaining ice budget - book as much ice as is possible to finish the season.
iii. Team Play
iv. Continue with the same Tier A / Tier B approach
v. Break teams down and build even skill teams and play a house league or even a mini tournament day. We could combine kids do this at all levels. Track wins / stats etc.
Jean Presented:
I think that if we choose to offer refunds, we do provide an option for individuals to carry over the credit to be applied to next year's registration. I would suggest any refund option be handled in the following way.
· Post decision and instructions on website, Facebook and have the coaches share it with the teams
· Provide the option of a refund or credit (amount to be determined by age group and interpretation of COVID Refund Policy)
· Instructions include to:
o Send email to the Treasurer with the Subject Line 'COVID Refund - Name of Participants'
o In the body of the email indicate the name and age group of each participant
o Indicate if a credit is to be applied to next season or if a cheque refund is requested
o Treasurer will respond with acknowledgement that request has been received, response will be sent within 72 hours
· Once stay at home order has been lifted two cheque pick up days will be organized one in Port Stanley, one in St Thomas, a third can be set up if needed
· Credit card refunds will not be offered (I think they cost us more than the cost of a cheque and it will be an operational nightmare for Candice)
· Parents/Guardians will be required to sign acknowledgment that refund has been received
· Treasurer to maintain evidence of email communication with Parents/Guardians and tracking of refund/credit decisions
o This will be bundled and shared with the President, Director of Communications and VP for transparency upon completion
As for the decision we make, it's going to be tough either way as no one had a crystal ball. And as much as our protocols are strong, I don't know that it will influence the provincial overall decision on when we can hit the ice. Here are my two points:
1. If we offer a refund or credit, we stick with the policy as written and offer a refund based on December. If the season continued, we were considering a refund of $100 to most players anyway. We can afford it financially, our year end numbers are published and if we show an extra $17k in the account, and way more than we need to start the season, we will lose the trust of the membership. I agree, depending on what happens for the 21-22 season, the refund language needs to be clearer with a date.
2. As for this season, one option could be as follows:
a. Cancel the remainder of this season
b. Publish that depending on interest and public policy, PSMHA will put together a spring league
i. This allows us to stay committed to CE
ii. Offer options for those that want to continue with hockey
iii. Give us flexibility with teams, age groups and ice times
Just my personal opinion, but I think we need to make a call on what we are going to do with the season and/or give parents the option to opt out.
Final Decision:
We will look to offer an option for the season to continue for those interested and opt out for those not. Language below:
Thank you association members for your patience while the PSMHA Board has monitored the COVID situation and our ability to provide you with programing for the rest of the 20-21 season. As many of you are aware, plans for our return to ice time is largely dependent on the decisions made by government bodies and the public health units in our area. With that in mind however, the Board felt it necessary to provide some direction while the season has been on hold. Provided we are able to resume programing by March 1, 2021, we will continue our season with a focus on skills, practice and scrimmages until the season end date of March 28, 2021.
As an association member, you have two options regarding the 20-21 season:
1. You may choose to opt out between now and 24 hours before your participant’s first scheduled ice time. A refund will be granted based on the COVID policy for end of programming as of December.
2. You may choose to continue with programming through to the end of the season. In consideration for the gap in programming, a refund will be issued in the amount of $200 for U8 and up or $50 for U7 and below.
This refund will be issued in the form of a cheque or as a credit towards next season and all jerseys must be returned to the coach or treasurer prior to any refund being processed. Below are the steps to obtain your refund:
- Send email to the Treasurer with the Subject Line 'COVID Refund - Name of Participant(s)'
- In the body of the email indicate
- The name and age group and team of each participant
- Which option you are choosing
- If a credit is to be applied to next season or if a cheque refund is requested
- Treasurer will respond with acknowledgement that request has been received, response will be sent within 72 hours
- Once stay at home order has been lifted two cheque pick up days will be organized one in Port Stanley, one in St Thomas
- Parents/Guardians will be required to sign acknowledgment that refund has been received
Important Dates
Next meeting
Feb 16 @ 7 (Zoom Meeting)