PSMHA minutes September 19th 2017 meeting 6:30 pm. Port Stanley Legion
Present: Heather, Craig, Shane, Christy, Karen, Alex, Kevin, Ryan, Scott, Luke, Rob Candice
Absent: Bob
Approval of Past Minutes Motion to approve -Alex Second -Heather. All in favour.
OMHA/Shamrock Report –Luke
He went to the Shamrock meeting yesterday and it had been rescheduled and Luke was unaware of the change in venue
Board members need to have the Gender Training to be rostered by Oct 1-2017.
We need a Minor Hockey Liaison/Trainer for OMHA coaching certification/evaluation –theOMHA program is web-based and is currently having some issues -- if anyone is interested in taking the webinar please contact Luke
Coach 2 clinic in St Thomas this weekend (Sept 23-24) and spots still available
D1 next weekend (Sept 30th-Oct1) in St Mary’s also has availability
LMLL Report – Bob -absent
Coaches need to be notified of scheduling meeting Karen will notify Pat and coaches. Candice will be going for Bob Sept 26th scheduling meeting.
IP Program Report- Kevin
Reached out to other centers .and most are interested in doing something—will probably arrange as a local league/exhibition schedule starting in Dec /Jan .He is unsure if 8 am games will work and they may need other ice times possibly before JR C game was suggested. 2 games at once with cross ice.2 teams per level. Format is in the preliminary stages of development- 14 centers have responded and Mount Brydges and Lambeth are not interested. Considering volunteers for refereeing-- maybe volunteer hours for Port kids? Should we post that we are looking for volunteers on our website?
Financial Report- Alex
I have attached the financial report for August - as you can see, our finances are tighter than they have been in the past, but this is based on current registered, and paid, with refunds to those playing elsewhere. We do have some exposure with Juvenile (10500 in registrations so far, but very little of it has been paid). There will either be a bump up or down depending on which way that team goes - if it goes I will recommend we give up some ice to offset the lost revenue).
Current estimate based on HCR shows we should have approx. $127,880 in total registrations (I removed everyone I could think have that made a rep team elsewhere). I will firm up the number in October when all refunds have been paid out and our Juvenile situation becomes clearer.
Looking to be an even year with registration fees. Big expenses amounts are in the account
Registration Report-Candice
Registration numbers as of today
Midget 39+3 goalies
Bantam 21+2 goalies (a St Thomas goalie contacted me yesterday to register I told them I need to discuss with board)
Peewee 27 + 3 goalies
Atom 21 + 2 goalies ( a West Lorne goalie who is right of choice to play rep in Port wants to try out for rep -I told them I need to discuss with the board)
Novice 22 + 3 goalies
SR IP 21
JR IP 21
Total registration 185 kids (this is down from last year of approx. 220)
Bantam has 2 goalies for two teams and it was decided that we are not taking any Bantam goalies at the present time.
Motion - Heather to let new atom registrant Mitchell Lunn try out for goalie Second - Luke 2nd All in favour
We had decided previously that we would have 3 midget teams Not sure on numbers until Wednesday when St Thomas decides what they are doing with the midget AE team
Coaching Report- Scott
The third midget LL team is the only team remaining without a coach. I have asked a few specific people all of which declined. Since last meeting Rob Fellows agreed to coach the second peewee LL team and Larry Hunking agreed to coach the second midget LL team
Coaches for Local League this season: Hugh atom Rob Jansen novice Rob Fellows, peewee 1 Candice peewee 2 Craig Bantam 1, Trent bantam 2, Rupple midget 1 Larry midget 2 TBD Midget 3
Will set up a coach meeting. With coaching committee after this meeting
Equipment Report-Craig Sim Board e-voted--All approved him to take this position
All port jersey and socks are in
Still waiting on ip Timbit jerseys and socks-came in yesterday Matt Moyes has them
Would like to discuss
Ordering new door magnets which were ordered last year and no one knows the where about they are 10$ plus tax a piece.
Would like to add a skate sharpener to all trainer kits
Would like some assistance going through equipment room to remove all dated jersey, goalie equipment, and dealing with old Timbit supplies.
Trainer kits were not done. Jerseys were ordered for midget. No response from Scott Kennedy for the invoice. He found all the neck guards and mouth guards don’t need to order new ones. Front lockers would like to allocate to trainer supplies Craig proposes that we purchase skate sharpeners in the trainer’s kit
Candice motion to look into buying skate sharpeners for all trainers’ kits, Second Shane-All in favour
Medium socks have lower numbers.
Would like help to go through the equipment clean it up. Shane ---suggested possibly donate excess to the George Bray hockey association –any old equipment/jerseys etc.
50+ jerseys could be used for pinneys for midgets
Goalie equipment on loan: Klark is using equipment Liam is using the pads.
Jerseys----not sure they were washed or not.
Magnets were purchased last season. Went to Cindy and she said she gave to Matt. They were never distributed. But bought and paid for last season check out the equipment room to see if they can find them.
CE moved ice dividers. Ask arena staff to get them out for practice
Coaches need their combinations
Contact CE if we can put stuff on the walls (memorabilia)
Program Development-Rob
Skills are underway lots of goofing off and not paying attention in the middle group last week. All second year peewees are to go to the later age group starting next week. Need more coaching volunteers on the ice. Goalies –too many wanting to take free sessions. There was a mix up and the goalies Instructor did not attend the first Friday session. 10 goalies for Port Stanley Sailors Shooters 3-35 minute sessions after this week
Craig suggested that perhaps JR C Sailors goalies could help with novice aged kids to free up time- Rob to ask Terry what he thinks of this?
Fundraising Report- Christy Hunking
This season I'd like to switch our peppertree order to Carmichael's Meats in West Lorne. I'd prefer to shop local wherever we can. I've attached the info they sent me. I'd like to go with the All Products list to give everyone the most selection. It really only creates work on my end when it comes to organizing the orders.
Instead of 3 order dates, I'd like to scale it back to 2 dates (Fri. Oct. 27 and Fri. Dec. 1). If there's interest we can add one in January but by then many teams have finished up their fundraising and there's not as much interest.
As well, I've got the paperwork to add our name to the monthly draw at Wendy's to become the recipient of their Fundraiser Night. I just have to complete and send back in to Marcy.
I've also done up a cheat sheet of Fundraising ideas that the teams can use to do individual fundraisers for their teams. If anyone has any ideas to add to this document, let me know and I'll add them.
Entered our name for the luck of the draw at Wendy’s for fundraisers once a month if selected we get 10% profits up to a max amount for that night.
Sponsorship Report- Luke
I’ve been able to secure, GT’s, Yarmouth Metal and the Lions Club so far. Candice has again graciously sponsored.
Luke has sent in the Greenlane proposal. Looking for a replacement for the sponsorship position on the board.
Special Events/Tournaments-Heather
I have one team confirmed for the tournament. I have been been contacted by many centres that are just waiting to get their teams together. I do not believe filling the tournament will be a problem once teams are situated.
I would like to discuss a "fill the rink" night with the JR C team!
Tournament ---need to book Herm’s inflatables
Hockey Mom’s will do the booth for the Saturday only Cindy knows about referees-she will double check Karen will book the upstairs..9-7 Pucks from Alex for prizes. No liquor still working on some coupons.and the details. Wants to see the JR C schedule and discuss with Bob to organize the Fill the rink night. Sell tickets for $6 3 to JR C and $3 to minor hockey…pick a game First night of the tournament…incorporate with sailors game that night. See if can get discounted tickets.
Preservation of PSMHA committee report
Did not meet this month- no new developments. Nothing in response from proposal provided to St Thomas at their last meeting. Will discuss at Oct 2 meeting
Vacancies on the Board for Equipment filled Craig Sim AND for Sponsorship will be entire board by committee
Juvenile registration Matt is meeting with Belmont on Saturday to discuss Alex makes a motion to-defer to next Wednesday Matt is meeting with Belmont next Saturday. Second- Rob. All in favour
Midget goalies? Midget and peewee coaches? Discussed with coaching report
Banner for Novice Shane wants it ordered. Shane will order it and notify Matt he will order it. Kids are asking where the banner is.
Select team for peewee. Tournament team. Not just inbounds team…if here 2 years are eligible to play. We need to determine if there is enough interest and ice time…AP’s? Is this going to be too much hockey?
Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Next meeting October 17th 2017, 6:30 p.m. at the Port Stanley Legion