Date: Jan 15, 2018 meeting 6:30 pm. St. Thomas Roadhouse
Attendees: Luke Cummings, Christy Hunking, Rick Lalonde, Scott Bate, Jean Devine, Ryan Adams, Alex Russell, Shane MacPherson, Craig Sim, Margaret Powell, Joe Hentz
Regrets: Jason Weiner, Kelly Savage
Parent Team Rep Reports:
- Bantam1 – Undefeated in season, Silver at Silver Stick Championship this past weekend
- Bantam2 - Good season so far, currently sitting 3rd
- Is PSMHA planning to do some recognition for Disco Dave? Board to follow up.
- Inform Parent Reps / Teams about Broomball, the Banquet and the need for Volunteers
Hockey Moms
- Banquet set for Friday April 5th at the Masonic hall – 5-9
- Request for board support to cover player and coach dinners
- Parents and siblings – Tickets $15, 5 years old and under free
- Action Item : Need to organize Mini-stick net for Feb 9th
Approval of Past Minutes - [1st:Jean/2nd:Scott]
Registrar Report - All registrations paid
Directors Notes:
Margaret- Director of Local League
Meeting in Strathroy Jan 8th
- Team fees have been paid in full
- Game Sheet
o Make sure Trainer and Head coach are on all game sheets as they are legal documents
o Make sure coaches are reviewing the game sheets it is their responsibility to know the penalties and any suspensions. It is not up to the Ref to communicate.
o Still working on the invoice for this
- Scores must be entered into OneDB as the direct link is not currently functioning
- Discussion around Novice Pathway and Atom Pathway
o Novice Pathway (8yr olds)– spring tryouts allowed, games would start Jan 2020 Full Ice, there could be REP at an Atom level depending on what Shamrock decides
o Atom Pathway – tryouts 2 weeks after school starts
o Tyke / Minor Novice (7yr olds) – name change to Minor Novice
o IP (5-6)
- March 30 – All Star Game in Point Edward. More details to come.
- Playoff Rule – 2 GM and the player is ejected from the playoffs
- Decision to do hats instead of medals for champions only this year. Last year was a single trophy.
- Gate Fees. There have been comp
o Complaints about Tyke paying $4 gate
o Staying as is for this season
o Potential motion at the AGM to do away with gate fees for 2020/21 – but would ideally need to line up with a Shamrock decision to do the same
NOMINATION : Sandra Graham for role of Director of Tournaments and Events.
MOTION CARRIED: Motion to accept the nomination of Sandra Graham for Director of Tournaments. Margaret / Alex. All in favour
Craig- Director of Equipment
o Need to replace 21 Jersey
Ryan - Director of Development [No Update]
Scott- Director of Coaching [No Update]
Rick- Director of Sponsorship
-Sponsorship cheques received from Lionesses, Legion, Greenlane
-Waiting for the Non for Profit number. Paper work has been filed on that.
-Need to follow up with Lions and Optimist Club
Christy- Director of Fundraising [No Update]
Director of Tournaments and Events [No Update]
Joseph – Director of I/P
- Two players have moved from Junior IP to Senior IP so that Junior IP can roster a team. They are both 2012 born players and should be on the Senior IP Team. The senior IP coach was agreeable.
- Junior IP team needs a trainer in order to roster a team. Parent has volunteered but need to complete the training.
- Suggestion to provide the information on the Respect in Sport when the parents register so that it’s completed before the player goes on the ice.
Alex- Treasurer
- A couple teams haven’t reimbursed tournament fees yet
- Boards have arrived
- March and April have the broomball proceeds estimated, we will need to post the team sign up after the meeting.
Shane-OMHA and Shamrock Representative
-Playdowns have been scheduled
-Currently no host for the Allstar game
Other Items
- Filling the Director of Tournaments and Events role – See above motion about Sandra
- Build more volunteers. Other organizations ask parents to cut a $100 check if they work the required volunteer hours they rip up the cheque.
- Next steps for Signing privileges on cheques. Alex will take the minutes to the bank and have the reps go in to the bank to sign.
- Follow up on Cheques
§ Cheque from Dodge for Novice LL – Alex has the cheque
§ Cheque for Ref Payment Nov / Dec – Signed at the meeting
- OMHA Referee school – September 20-22 2019
o Select candidate by June
o Register by August 30th - $335
o 90 seats available
o PSMHA to determine interest of players. At this point Mike Devine is interested.
- Elgin Shared Boundary Status - No Update. Luke to meet with OMHA to discuss.
1. Smart Serve for Broomball (Jean Devine to report)
Online training (34.95 + HST)
· Online training with manual $44.95 plus HST
· Takes about 4 hours to complete but does not have to be done at the same time
· Must be completed within 30 days
· Must achieve 80% on quizzes and certification test
· Computer requirements
· A desktop or a laptop computer*
· Stable internet connection
· Speakers
· Working webcam (the webcam is used during the final exam only)
· Up-to-date browser.** Be sure to configure the browser to allow for pop-ups (download)
· Adobe Reader 9 or higher (download)
· Adobe Flash Player (download)
· Our training is Flash based and will not work on mobile devices, including tablet computers.
· Internet Explorer is no longer supported.
In person training (50 / person – minimum 15)
· $50 per person, includes tax and manual
o Minimum of 15 participants
· Preferred evenings, normal start time around 6pm
o Normally takes 3-4 hours
o Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays works best
o Can schedule a Saturday if needed
o Couple of weeks notices to schedule time
· Trainer will bring all required materials and projector if needed
· Certificates received 3-4 weeks from training session
· Conducted by Employment Services Elgin
o Marianne Fischtner
o [email protected]
o (519) 633-5200 ext 282
· Rooms at St Thomas Roadhouse would work if we can get one or upstairs at rink
MOTION PASSED : Motion to schedule in person training to occur during the next executive meeting. 1st:Jean/2nd:Margaret. All in favour. Jean to schedule.
2. Hockey Hall of Fame player award for Tyke and Atom. This has not been here. Action Item: Margaret to follow up.
3. Review and update Disciplinary Policy – No Update
4. Thank you cards for Sponsors - No Update
5. Broomball - Cost is $600 / team
Action Items:
1. Update web site with detail to sign up - Christy
2. Insurance - Luke to forward details from last year
3. License - Luke to forward details from last year
4. Food à Craig to help organize
5. Bar
6. Refs
7. Volunteers - 4 hours shifts, schedule shifts, reach out directly to teams
8. Sticks
9. Balls
10. T-Shirts for Champions only. But we could sell them as well
11. Hats? Possibly get them printed up and sell as fundraiser. à Margaret
12. Schedule
MOTION PASSED : Motion to create Matt Moyes Award in Leadership. A $250 Bursary award to a graduating Midget player showing outstanding dedication and leadership in the PSMHA organization to be awarded at the board’s discretion. 1st:Luke/2nd:Alex. All in Favour.
Action Item: Plaque to be placed at the rink with names of winning players. Need to get pricing. Check the rink for the similar plaque.
Key Dates:
Jan 29 – Jan 31
LMLL Scheduling for 1st round Playoffs – scheduled by email
Feb 1st – Feb 25th
LMLL 1st Round Playoffs
Feb 9
Hockey day in Port
Feb 26 – 28
LMLL Scheduling for 2nd round Playoffs- scheduling by email
Feb 29 – March ?
LMLL 2nd Round of Playoffs
March 30
LMLL All Star game in Point Edward
April 19th
Last Ice
April 19th – 22th
April 5 – 5-9pm
Sept 20 - 22
Ref Course (Registration occurs in June)
Nov 15-17
2019 Atom Tournament