February 2021 (Port Stanley Minor Hockey)

PrintFebruary 2021

Date:         Feb 16, 2021

Attendees:   Alex Russell, Isabelle Marchand, Greg Graham, Shelley Boyes, Margaret Powell, Rick Lalonde, Joe Hentz, Jean Devine, Stephanie Haynes, Steve Van Duyhoven, Mark Vergeer, Amber Brooks,  Janet Wilson and Jeremy Rouse


Motion to begin meeting:  Jeremy and Greg seconded by @  7:02 pm

Motion to End Meeting:  Alex and Jean seconded by @ 7:51pm

Motion to approve JANUARY minutes: Jean and seconded by JANET ALL IN FAVOUR                                      .

Registrar Report: Nothing

Topics of Discussion:

Reply by Friday at 5

First ice time will be this weekend starting Friday


Directors Notes:

President- Alex Russell

-informed this afternoon that the ice will be staying in for now will not be official until next week.

-We can start planning for return to play to be back on the ice Thursday Feb 18 being first ice time  

-Same procedures to be followed but adding that once temp taken, screening questionnaire checked then going back to your car until you can go in

-allowed in the rink during red zone one parent or guardian per player 10 players one coach and one trainer

-Get everyone on the ice at least once or twice a week

-Looking at schedules if we go back to orange teams will have 3 ice times again

-Tell all the coaches to tell the parents to check the website ASAP need a reply to coaches if they are returning or not as well as they need to email the treasurer on how they would like their refund/credit.  Chooses are to put as a credit for next years registration or to receive a cheque.

-Greg will be sending an email to the coaches to have all the parents reply to the coach by Friday if they are coming back or not

-Central Elgin is willing to keep the ice in longer (Middle of April)

-Hockey plan is we are going to use the ice until the latest date we can (U5 and u7 one ice time a week in red zone U8 and up 2 ice times in red zone)

-Once in orange zone we will look at increase ice time as we will be able to have more people on the ice at one time.

-Alex is applying for the ESSO metals


VP and Director of Local League- Isabelle Marchand

Nothing to report


Director of Coaching- Greg Graham

Will be following up with the coaches about return to play


Director of Tournament and Events- Shelley Boyes

Beer Shed:

Grand total for beer shed for January- Approx $800.00 for the month!!

March is our next month to empty the shed:





Please completed it twice a month, requested by Foodland so people don't leave the empties in the parking lot. Also, make sure you complete the tracking sheet, requested by the legion. 

Feel free to reach out to the rest of the board if you need support.


Director of Development- Margaret Powell                                                                                     

Nothing to report

Director of Sponsorship- Rick Lalonde

Nothing to report

Director of I/P- Joe Hentz –

Nothing to report

Treasurer - Jean Devine          

Please see Financial statements attached in email             

Motion to approval financial statements Alex and Greg seconded, all in favour                                                                                                

VP and Director of OMHA and Shamrock Representative- Steve Van Duyhoven   

Nothing to report         

Director of Communications-Stephanie Haynes

Nothing to report

Director of Equipment - Janet Wilson

Nothing to report

Director of Fundraising- Amber Brooks    

All masks have been sold and will be giving treasurer the funds to make deposit                                                                                                               



Director at Large-  Jeremy Rouse

Nothing to report


Director at Large-  Mark Vergeer                                                                                                                        Nothing to report         


Important Dates



Next meeting

March 16 @7 location TBD (depending on health zone we are in at that time )