August 2017 (Port Stanley Minor Hockey)

PrintAugust 2017

PSMHA Minutes   August 21, 2017 meeting 6:47 p.m. Roadhouse St Thomas

Attendance  :  Karen Alex Heather Bob Heather Pat Ryan Kevin Scott Shane Candice --regrets Luke and Norm  late  9pm Luke

Approval of Past Minutes  all in favour

OMHA/Shamrock Report –Luke     He spoke with Glenn silver at length last night about the peewee rep issue. Glenn will support PSMHA decision to have or not have a team with the caveat that if too many kids ask for a 3.5 then it will have to be addressed.  At the present time there are only 6 that have requested 3.5 for the peewee level, and I really don't anticipate more coming.  Glenn also voiced concerns about LL teams being too strong in peewee, I have assured him that I don't believe that will be the case this year given the level of skill that is present. 
Everyone needs to take the Gender training.  No Ip tournaments.  No 5-6 year olds  6 year old can ap to tyke but no tyke team with majority of 6 year olds.  Some flexibility with smaller numbers

ATM policy is in effect for this season

New rules for goaltender relief

Portal will have practice plans and guidelines with IP/TYKE programming  need to get Kevin access

Next season juvenile pilot program to be LL  3 confirmed Juvenile teams this season –non contact proposal –allows girls

LMLL Report – Bob

LMLL- REGULAR MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 3, 2017  The purpose for this meeting was to further discuss the IP for the upcoming season, and to determine if

we would have an IP division or Tyke division within the LMLL.

• The following points were made in this discussion:

• Rink dividers are NOT mandatory for the 2017-2018 season.

• Referees are NOT required for the IP

• Almost all centers will be running 7-8 year Novice programs for this season.


OMHA  Glenn Silver (OMHA) has indicated that there is a strong push that Novice and down will be cross ice for the 2018-2019 season. Further discussion and decisions will be made yet. Glenn will keep us up to date with this topic.


Motion # 1: Mt. Brydges  LMLL to not have an IP division for the 2017-2018 season.2nd: Belmont  Carried

Motion # 2: Mt. Brydges • LMLL to suspend the Tyke division for the 2017-2018 season.2nd: Dorchestor Carried

Darren Tichenhoff of Lampton Shores to conduct interviews for the potential ICE SCHEDULAR position.

Motion # 3: Mt. Brydges • ICE SCHEDULING candidate to attend our next meeting Tuesday September 5th @ 7:00pm Gemini-Strathroy. 2nd: Dorchestor- Carried


Other discussions and information:

• Regular season to end February 3rd.

• 1st round of playoffs to be played from February 7th- March 5th

• Championship & Consolation round to be played from March 7th – March 31st.

• All centers to have team numbers for the September 5th meeting.

• Port Stanley indicated that they will have 2 Peewee LL teams and 1 Bantam LL team, without a

Rep team or AE team.

Upcoming meetings were discussed, and agreed upon as follows:

September 26th – 6:30pm (Reps to schedule first 6 games for Novice & Atom)

September 26th – 8:00pm (Coaches to schedule first 6 games for Peewee, Bantam, & Midget)



November 14th – 8:00pm (Coaches to schedule remaining 14 reg. season games)

February 6th – 8:00pm (Coaches to schedule 1st round of playoffs)

June 12th – 7:00pm AGM


Discussion by BOB  Cannot AP SRIP (5-6 year olds) to novice, only SR IP to tyke.   Should we have a tyke team..depends on numbers.  Roster sizes?  5-on-5…what is the roster like??  There is a-buzzer every 2 minutes  electronically roster ?  not sure how it will be done. No one to police the program this season.


IP Program Report- Kevin reaching out to other centers to see if they can arrange a mini league for play for the IP kids

Financial Report- Alex      Generally a slow month on the financial side, a few registration payments coming in, no expenses incurred.  Candice sent a reminder last week when I was away and there were a bunch of etransfers to process this morning, but my rough calculation says there is still a significant amount outstanding.

120,180.00 total due based on a sort by invoice number and eliminating the duplicates (due to multiple children on the same invoice). 

27, 454.59 received up to the end of July.


92,725.41 outstanding


I do expect to lose a few registrations due to 3.5s and Midget NRPs, but it shouldn't have a significant impact overall. 

I also hedged and put in a Greenlane donation of  15k in November.  I'm hoping the amount is low, but I'm not sure about the timing due to Todd's departure. 


Registration Report-Candice

Atom REP 11 players + 1 goalie (one player also wants to try out for goalie) LL 12 players

Bantam 18 in total (2 have asked for a 3.5) +16 players + 3 goalies + 4 players on the waiting list (all past port players)  Could we field two teams and AP from Peewee??  If not what will we do about 3 goalies?

Motion  Heather 2 bantam LL teams second by Rob  all in favour.

SR IP    21   JR IP    12

Juvenile 6 players and 1 goalie

Midget REP 18 players + 2 goalies     LL 27 +1 goalie  4 on the waiting list all past port players—Motion  to defer decision  (Alex) second shane   all in favour

Novice REP 13 players + 1 goalie     LL 6 (one wants to try out to AP) (+ 2 transfers in progress-inbound 7 year olds) +1 goalie   Do we bring up some SR IP?

PeeWee REP ( 6 have asked for a 3.5)  12 players (was 11 last month +Bryson Palmer) + 1goalie     LL 15 players + 2 goalies  +1 on waiting list for LL


 Balance registration owing  as of August 15th was  $103 234.58 


 Coaching Report-Scott 

Novice LL 1         applicant Rob Jensen  notified coach and accepted

Novice Rep          Ryan adams  only applicant notified and accepted

Atom LL                Hugh Geurts..only applicant for atom and accepted

Pee wee   2 local league teams and 4 applicants   one would prefer to assist.  3 applicants see if Mark Vaughan’s application will stand.  After meeting tomorrow  will let him know. 

Bantam 2 teams and 2 coaches application…Trent Frayne and Craig Sym have been notified and have not responded

Midget LL            Rupple volunteered to coach   Casey Solomnway will get back to him  more than likely

Midget rep          Pete Vanderwyst only applicant is pending   evaluator  needed as depend if kids make the St Thomas team  one suggestion was to ask Doug Howie for his help with this issue.


Motions to accept coaches as recommended  Scott second Alex all in favour ---carried.


Equipment Report-Norm   Norm emailed his resignation with the PSMHA  July 19, 2017 due to career responsibilities as of October 2017 

The jerseys and socks have been ordered and scheduled to arrive within the next few weeks.

Program Development-Rob       Programs for skills are set to begin when we start.  Instructors are good to go and excited. Checking clinic is ready.  Should post on website or send email to Bantam and Midget kids that have not taken it.

Encouraging the coaches to help on the ice for skills. Concerned with number of goalies who will particitpate.

Fundraising Report- Amy  August 15th 2017 email received  This email is to inform you of my resignation from PSMHA effective today citing personal issues. I will forward the Pepperette contact information to Karen for whoever assumes this job. 

Sponsorship Report- Todd  Todd emailed his resignation with PSMHA July 28, 2017 due to time constraints.  Todd did some good preliminary work on the banner in regards to quotes, does anyone know where he was at with sponsors to fill it, or the letter to Greenlane?  No proposal forwarded to Greenlane…Alex to draft a proposal and Luke to submit it.

Special Events/Tournaments-Heather

Paper work for atom LL tournament sent in and awaiting OMHA approval , 8 teams, hockey moms to run the booth upstairs.  Upstairs room still needs to be booked for that weekend.

Date of tournament is October 21 and 22

First 8 teams to pay and enter will have a spot

Saturday the 21 will run from 9-6  and Sunday 9-4 


 There is a jr c game on September 21 at 7 which I'm going to plan something fun for the kids to come out and watch the game 


Motion Shane$ 850 for tournament  registration Ryan second all in favour CARRIED

September 23 JR C /minor hockey Night no pub

Preservation committee report

Next Steps:

Short Term (for this season)

Ice schedule – key is to get some consistency, so interested players can secure additional ice/training elsewhere. 

Skills - higher participation (players and coaches) – Free and early in the season will help. 

AP additional players to develop more players.

Longer-term (for next season)

Present to the board that based on the feedback of other associations, we will initiate discussions with St. T.  Our opening position will be the NobelKing model, it has been approved by OMHA and could be as simple as changing the centre names. 

Once we have a mutually agreeable proposal it will go back to both associations for votes.

Only interested one was St Thomas and is open for discussion.

 Motion Alex  Proposal to initiate discussions with St Thomas based on the Nobel-King Model for a potential mutual agreement.  Second Shane   All in favour  CARRIED


Try outs (tryout and body checking clinic especially --should be posted asap). Discussed with Pat and established  tryout schedule tab turns on next week.

Waiting list –discussed with registrar  peewee list accept off waiting list

Ice Schedule Master Plan  Pat to attend meeting  Discussion with Pat  block out Monday of thanksgiving skills sept 11th 5-5:50 IP and novice   5:50-7 atom and peewee 7-8:20 bantam and midget and  goalie is on fridays sept 15th 5-7    SR ip 8-9 JR ip 9-10 starts first skate sept 30th 2017  cannot play games until after January SR IP Mondays 5-5:50pm

Body checking clinic September 16th 9-11 am

Novice rep games 12:30-1:25

Atom rep -135-245

Midget 8:30 Mondays

Try out schedules  11th midget rep 8:30  13th novice 5-  atom  Thursday midget rep 8:30 -10:30  Friday 7-8 novice , atom 8-9 pm  Saturday

Saturday 10-11 ice time was burned all last year.  Pat would like to know what we should do with that time. Should we Defer decision whether to give up the ice Saturday 10-11pm.  Cancel the first month -- talk to midget coaches and see if they are interested in that ice time before we give it up.

Rob makes a motion to get rid of the ice time Saturday 10-11pm for this season.  Second by Heather. All favour   CARRIED

Preschedule ice times..fixed ice times…difficulty is little week day ice. Need ice time on Tuesday ..most LL have Saturday and Sunday ice times.

LL afternoon Saturday the 16th.

(send out email to goalies to see who is interested and forward to Rob)

Vacancies on the Board for Equipment  and for Sponsorship  Positions available on website …confirm members with a special meeting.  30 days notice. 

Juvenile registration  Motion To decide on viability  juvenile team  based on numbers by next meeting alex second Karen all in favour

Discussion regarding late fee for juvenile players  motion Candice  wave fee second rob all in favour

Palmer discussion as per emails---Pee Wee REP—not sure if we need to discuss this any further—see Shamrock report

Spoke with Glenn last night …support our Boards decision   if too many 3.5’s then he will revisit.

Would we accept 3.5’s for midget age group from Aylmer..they have low numbers to field a team on their own?    Motion Luke to accept 3.5’s from Aylmer second by Rob –carried all in favour.

Rules and Regulations update-gender training code of contact dressing room policies.-defer until wait for letters patton to come back and based on rules and regulation needs to be updated.

Photographer   Motion Matt to go with shooters  second Candice all in favour   will set up a date in November.

Adjourn meeting 9:55

Next meeting Tuesday Sept 19th at the legion 6:30pm.