Date: March 16, 2021
Attendees: Alex Russell, Isabelle Marchand, Shelley Boyes, Margaret Powell, Rick Lalonde, Joe Hentz, Jean Devine, Stephanie Haynes, Steve Van Duyhoven, Mark Vergeer, Amber Brooks, Janet Wilson and Jeremy Rouse
Regrets: Greg Graham
Motion to begin meeting: Alex and seconded by Steph @ 7:00 pm
Motion to End Meeting: Alex and seconded by Margaret @8:50 pm
Motion to approve February minutes: Alex and seconded by Jeremy all in favour .
Registrar Report: OMHA and HCR is upgrading this year to HCR 3.0. The current registration platform will not be able to be used for pre-registration this season. HCR 3.0 launches June 1, 2021, so we will be unable to pre-register online until June 1,2021. Options for this coming registration are: wait until June 1,2021 to open registration for next season OR do manual pre-registration. Do we want to extend early registration to Aug 1 this season instead of the usual July 1 deadline?
Motion to start registration June 1st – Alex and seconded by Jean all in favour
Topics of Discussion:
Directors Notes:
President- Alex Russell
There are a few items that require board discussion/approval this month;
Website message
See bottom for proposed wording.
Will need to read the e-vote motion and vote results into these minutes.
Exhibitions games (vs other Port teams or other associations)
Our original communication was that we would resume with skills, practices and scrimmages however, with the return to Orange or better, we are technically eligible to schedule games against other associations as long as there are less than 50 players involved.
However, we need to decide if we want to;
Is it worth the extra risk?
Can we book refs?
Do we have trainers for all teams?
How do we cover additional costs?
Is the increased benefit worth the increased work?
NOTE – We do not have approved rosters for all teams.
Motion to permit games this season against other teams – Defeated
AGM and next year – please start to work on your annual reports and give consideration to staying with the board next year. If you know of other good people who are not already on the board (especially parents of young players who are not already coaches) please don’t be shy about inviting them to join us. I would be happy to go over the job descriptions and what the expectations would be like in a real season.
Update from Margaret- Set timing and location of the next AGM-Usually April
OMHA AGM – any motions we want to make?
Moyes Award
After the sudden death of long-time PSMHA volunteer Matt Moyes (executive/president/coach/trainer) the board of the time voted to take the money donated and create a 10 year bursary in his honor. This award is given to the graduating player who best exemplifies what Matt stood for – volunteerism, leadership, commitment to the betterment of PSMHA. In past years the recipient was determined by the U18 coaches. With U18 folding, we need to determine how to move forward; My idea is to involve Nancy and the family in selecting the winner (Nancy has confirmed they would be pleased to be more involved). Deserving candidates are to submit a short summary indicating why they should win the award. I’m thinking responses can go to either an email address or a catchment location on our website.
Year end
Team parties are strongly discouraged at this time.
With the uncertainty of our reopening plan I am thinking any PSMHA sponsored activities will have to be last minute if we do anything at all.
I have reached out to Esso regarding medals, but have not received a response yet.
Posting for the website;
Season Extension
The big smiles, red faces and sounds of kids having fun have been a welcome change from the dreary grey that has been “Our COVID Year.” I am pleased to share that the Municipality of Central Elgin has agreed to delay the removal of the ice until April 19, so the executive have voted to extend the season to April 18. We will continue with skills, practices and scrimmages right through to that date.
Moyes Award
The Matt Moyes Leadership Award is given annually to the graduating player who best exemplifies what Matt stood for – volunteerism, leadership, commitment to the betterment of PSMHA. If you were registered as a U18 player this season and are graduating this year please submit a short summary indicating why you should win the award. Responses should be sent before April 15, 2021 to ________ The award will be presented at our AGM.
Referee School
The traditional 3 day OMHA Referee School will NOT be going ahead in September of 2021. With the ongoing COVID pandemic, hotel stays and many bodies in a small area just don’t make sense. However, we are planning for a reopening next season and want to ensure we have enough qualified referees to do so. The referee school will be moving the clinic to the Elgin - Middlesex region - to make it easier to get the candidates to the clinic. If you were born in 2006 or earlier you are eligible for a full PSMHA scholarship. We have 3 spots available. If you are interested in attending, please send an email to [email protected] before May 15 2021.
Shooter Bob has reached out to remind parents that anyone who ordered $25 or more worth of photos is entitled to a free electronic version of their pictures. To claim it, all you need to do is email a request with the player name and team to [email protected]
VP and Director of Local League- Isabelle Marchand
Local league AGM meeting is June 1st
Director of Coaching- Greg Graham
Director of Tournament and Events- Shelley Boyes
End of the year celebration possibility? -What could this look like? Not this year
-Planning for events for 2021
-PSMHA Memorial Tournament- ATOM rep and LL
Discussion on adding a director of Volunteer position or maybe adding it to the director of fundraising/volunteer coordination.
Motion to add a Volunteer Director- Alex and seconded by Shelley all in favour
Director of Development- Margaret Powell
New Motion
Motion to extend PSMHA season from ending March 30 to ending April 18th. Margaret and seconded by Jeremy all in favour
Skills Update
- Ellis will run another 5 skills for U9,U11,U13. U15 and U8 were not interested in additional skills. Starting March 8th and ending the first week of March. Total cost $4237.50. This was assuming that we extend the season into March. If not it would be 4 sessions.
- Should we investigate other providers next season that might be a better match for the younger ages? Any suggestions?
Game Operations
- We had refs at the Atom Tier A level - this allowed the coaches to focus on coaching. Cost per game is $62 for refs as we require 2 refs. This was funded by a parent on the team.
- Do we want to offer this up for other teams for games for the remainder of the season - if we can find the refs?
Director of Sponsorship- Rick Lalonde
Emailed Michele Lant about the second half of the funds that were allocated to PSMHA. In their letter that came with the first half of the funds that were allocated it stated they needed confirmation of skills sessions after Jan 15, 2021. In the email I confirmed that we had started our skills sessions again and asked for further direction if a different confirmation method was required. Still waiting for reply.
Their next meeting was March 23
Director of I/P- Joe Hentz - Nothing to report
Treasurer - Jean Devine
Motion to approve Feb Financials- Alex and seconded by Margaret all in favour
Please find attached the financial reports for Feb 2021.
Approximately $19k in COVID/Gap refunds issued
Approximately $15k in COVID/Gap credits for next year
Final cheque pick up day will be held March 26 at the arena for 30 minutes. If the cheque is not retrieved, a credit will be issued for next year.
With extra ice, skills and consideration for the registration credits next year, we are in a good fiscal position with an estimated starting balance of $45k.
VP and Director of OMHA and Shamrock Representative- Steve Van Duyhoven
Player Movement
There is player movement allowed if a center is shut down and a near by center has room for the player requesting a transfer. The player must request the transfer through their center. Port Stanley was mentioned as a center that had room as some age groups.
• No player movement permitted until March 9, 2021.
o OHF Members must finalize current registration numbers prior to this date.
o It is the responsibility of the OHF Members to accurately reconcile new participants registering after March 9, 2021.
o HCR Player Transfer type will be ‘Share’.
• All ‘Shares’ will expire on May 31, 2021 after which:
o Player movement for a traditional 2021-22 hockey season will be in accordance with OHF By-Laws, Regulations, Playing Regulations and Policies.
Seasonal Structure U13-U18
U13-U18 – AAA / AA / A and below
• Tryouts start Sep 10 / Sept 17 / Sept 24
• Day 4 – Sep 13 / Sept 20 / Sept 27 Player must be offered registration by the end of day. (at this time if a player requests an NRP card (if applicable) you can administer it to him/her to move to an centre of his/her choice)
Meaningful hockey will be played by all teams until March 1/22 (no one is eliminated in league or playoffs)
Seasonal Structure – U11 (Atom Pathway)
U11 - AAA / AA / A and below – Adhere to OHF Playing regulation G4 - Tryouts for U11 Division (a) For the U11 Division there are no tryouts or related on or off-ice evaluation activities allowed during the previous season and inclusive of March until the Monday following (b) During the Prep Phase a minimum of four (4) skill sessions must be provided by a Minor Hockey Association or Associations or Member to all Players, that are not mandatory and not for the purpose of evaluation prior to the first tryout. (c) All Players must have the at least three (3) tryouts (one skills, one small area games, and one formal game intersquad or exhibition) prior to any cuts being made. Minor Hockey Associations do not get to retain Players after Day 4 of the tryout process if they do not complete their three (3) tryouts. (d) In order to retain a Player requiring a written Release, the Residential Centre/AAA Zone with which the Player is Registered must offer the Player an opportunity to an unused Roster spot for the upcoming season which must be delivered by Personal Service (if disputed verified by sworn affidavits of the deliverer and a witness to the delivery) to the Player and parent in accordance with Playing Regulation G4(f). A Player who is provided a Registration offer from a Team and does not accept will not be provided a Release for that Category. A Team at each Division and Category may make the Maximum Number of Offers. A Team must intend to sign and play every Player to whom it extends an offer. If a Team withdraws an offer previously made, the Player is Released and the Team will forfeit one (1) Player Registration as outlined in Playing Regulation C8, for each such Player. (e) For AA and below hockey outside of the Lake Ontario Region. Labour Day Monday.
• Tryouts start Sep 13 / Sept 20 / Sept 27
• Day 4 – Sep 16 / Sept 23 / Sept 30 Player must be offered registration by the end of day. (at this time if a player requests an NRP card you can administer it to him/her to move to an A centre of his/her choice)
Meaningful hockey will be played by all teams until March 1/22 (no one is eliminated in league or playoffs)
Seasonal Structure There will be NO novice rep
U7-U9 – Adhere to the OHF Playing regulation G3
- Evaluation and Tiering for U7 and U9 (a) For the Divisions of U7 and U9 there is no evaluation or tiering or related on or off-ice evaluation activities allowed during the previous season and inclusive of March until the Monday following Labour Day Monday. (b) All Players must have the availability to, a minimum of four (4) skill sessions provided by a Minor Hockey Association or Associations or Member that are not mandatory or for the purpose of evaluation prior to the first tiering opportunity which will occur during the Prep Phase. (c) All Players must have at least three (3) evaluation sessions (one skills, one small area games, and one game) prior to tiering of Players.
Meaningful hockey will be played by all teams until March 1/22 (no one is eliminated in league or playoffs)
First Date of Tournaments will be Oct 8, 2021
• All qualifications listed are the MINIMUM REQUIREMENT
• All Team Officials (Coach, Trainer, & Manager) require Respect in Sport (RiS) - Activity Leader or Speak Out!
• All Team Officials (Coach, Trainer, & Manager) require Gender Identity & Expression Course
• All Team Officials (Coach, Trainer & Manager) require Hockey University – Planning a Safe Return to Hockey
• All Team Officials must complete Rowan’s Law Resource Review & Acknowledgement
• All qualifications must be registered with the OMHA
1. Coaches in divisions U9 and Below must hold Coach 1-Intro to Coach - No other qualifications are accepted
2. Coach 2-Coach Level ‘Trained’ or higher: Coach 2-Coach Level ‘Trained’ or ‘Certified’; Development 1 ‘Trained’ or ‘Certified’; High Performance 1 & 2 ‘Trained’ or ‘Certified’
3. Development 1 ‘Trained’ or higher: Development 1 ‘Trained’ or ‘Certified’ or; High Performance 1 & 2 ‘Trained’ or ‘Certified’
4. Development 1 ‘Certified’ or higher: Development 1 ‘Certified’ or; High Performance 1 & 2 ‘Trained’ or ‘Certified’
5. High Performance 1 ‘Certified’ or higher: High Performance 2 ‘Certified’
• Assistant Coaches at House League require Respect in Sport (RiS)-Activity Leader or Speak Out! and Gender Identity and Expression Course Only. However, they would require the appropriate qualification listed in chart above for participation with teams from outside their House League (i.e. exhibition and/or tournament play).
• In addition, if the Head Coach were not available to start a House League game, an appropriately NCCP qualified Coach would be required to act as the Head Coach
OMHA Playdowns
The board and Playdown Committee is working hard to put together a Championship that can facilitate the March 1, 2022 Meaningful Hockey initiative put forth by Hockey Canada and OHF.
We are in the process of putting together Championship Weekend Tournaments. Much like we proposed last season with the Atom Pathway.
Leagues will determine their format of play to advance their assigned number of teams and identify the team(s) that advance by a pre-determined date. Hopefully before the March Break. No date set, as we have time.
This will be at 5 geographical locations – determined by the OMHA
Looking at the first Weekend in April for AA/A – as OHF finals follow.
BB and Below will be tiered and hoping second weekend in April, These dates are not set in stone.
Costs – Not determined, working on this now.
U11 – Tier 1 = 1 team, Tier 2 = 4 teams, Tier 3 = 2 teams
U13 – Tier 1 = 1 team, Tier 2 = 2 teams, Tier 3 = 3 teams
U15 – Tier 1 = 2 teams, Tier 2 = 2 teams, Tier 3 = 3 teams
Refunds will be coming for the players of $4.50 per player, the office will be sending out the refunds.
$1.50 from Hockey Canada
$3.00 from OMHA
Hockey Canada insurance provider has not offered breaks on the insurance.
Shamrock AGM is April 13th
Taking on additional players – Players from associations that closed down are eligible to join associations that are still open, PSMHA has been asked if are willing to take additional players. I have been lukewarm to the idea because;
Our registration is closed
There is a miniscule possibility that any of these players will stay with is next year
These players will be from outside our area
We have no idea who these players are, what else they do or where they go.
Our teams have been working pretty well, adding unknown players is an additional burden on coaches
I have no idea what to charge them
Motion to open registration to accept outside kids- motion defeated
Director of Communications-Stephanie Haynes
If there are items that you would like to put on the website please let me know, People are loving that we are keeping it updated and like seeing updates on facebook as well. Looks like facebook is getting a lot more traffic so nice to keep everyone informed.
Director of Equipment - Janet Wilson
Motion to order 6 sets of jerseys (2 sets red/white/black)-Janet and seconded by Alex all in favour
Need to have a vote to approve ordering the Atom McDonalds jerseys…
Cost $591.00

Director of Fundraising- Amber Brooks
Nothing to report
Director at Large- Jeremy Rouse
Nothing to report
Director at Large- Mark Vergeer
Important Dates
Next meeting
April 20 @ 7:00 via ZOOM
MAY 18th at 7 at the arena (if able to)