Date: April 20, 2021
Attendees: Alex Russell, Isabelle Marchand, Greg Graham, Shelley Boyes, Margaret Powell, Rick Lalonde, Joe Hentz, Jean Devine, Stephanie Haynes, Steve Van Duyhoven, Mark Vergeer, Amber Brooks and Jeremy Rouse
Regrets: Janet
Motion to begin meeting: Alex and seconded by Greg @ 7:15 pm
Motion to End Meeting: Jean and seconded by Margaret @ 9:03 pm
Motion to approve March minutes: Alex and seconded by Jeremy All in favour
Registrar Report: Nothing
Topics of Discussion:
Motion to reschedule AGM to June 8 due to shut down: Greg and seconded by Jean All in favour
Directors Notes:
President- Alex Russell
VP and Director of Local League- Isabelle Marchand
Local league AGM meeting May 18th
Director of Coaching- Greg Graham
Looking for more coach evaluations has only received about 10 so far
Director of Tournament and Events- Shelley Boyes
Beer Shed for May: Alex, Rick and Amber
Thanks Alex for helping out as much as you did this year with the beer shed.
Tournament logo is being designed right now will hopefully have it back soon.
Director of Development- Margaret Powell
- We have medals organized for U8 and below. Each player would get a medal and there are a set of 3 Esso Medals for the coach to distribute as appropriate.
- There are probably enough Esso medals to distribute for the other teams as well, if the coaches want to.
Will discuss at AGM about handing out medals and maybe do a drop off jerseys time
Matt Moyes award 2020/21 Season
Greg is reaching out to previous coaches for information on the nominates
This award is presented "In recognition of outstanding decision and leadership in Port Stanley Minor Hockey".
U18 Coach - Larry - Nomination : Nick Kaplanis or Jeff Reiger. Both players are actual midget age players with PSMHA. They both have played their entire career with PSMHA and give 100 % when on the ice. As well, both have been positive role models on the teams they play for.
U18 Coach - Trent - Nomination : Jeff Rieger, I agree. Quiet leader, gives maximum effort at all times.
___________________________________________________________________________________Peewee White Team : Nomination: Zach Russell
It has been an absolute pleasure to watch Zach lead the PSMHA Peewee White team. Zach has exemplified the virtues of the Matt Moyes Award including volunteerism, leadership and commitment to the betterment of the PSMHA.
With a season that looked nothing like anything we had seen before, coaches were challenged to keep the players engaged. Zach delivered drills that were creative, engaging, well organized and focused on development.
His skill and experience on the ice helped to motivate the players to skate hard and not fear a powerful pass. His feedback and positive reinforcement drove the players towards continuous improvement. With a calm and quiet tone, he commanded the team’s attention.
Not only did Zach balance coaching his little brother and the team through a crazy season, he did it with a big smile on his face. He has been an exceptional role model for the players and always treated all players and fellow coaches with respect. Not only has he built player skill, he has also shown them how to win gracefully and what can be learned from a loss.
Zach is exactly the type of individual the Matt Moyes award was designed to recognize. His love and respect for hockey has been contagious to the boys on the team. In a year of crazy turns, it was nice to have such a positive on ice experience to look back on. The team would like to recognize him with this award for the many hours of dedication in leading the team and sharing his love of the game.
Director of Sponsorship- Rick Lalonde – Nothing to report
Director of I/P- Joe Hentz – Nothing to report
Treasurer - Jean Devine
Motion to approve financial reports for March: Alex and seconded by Joe All in favour
Attached are the financial reports. Couple of bullet points:
· COVID refund liabilities $20,975
· COVID Credits for 21-22 Season $17,740
· 20-21 projections were returned to original amounts at the beginning of the season to reflect true comparisons
· 21-22 Annual Projection will include credit information as it will reduce registration amount
· Misc. expenses for this period included thank you and gift cards and garbage bags for beer shed
· We are expecting a refund for ice not used due to shortened season
Registration information:
Additional items
· Have we addressed the image misuse claim and settlement request?
· Have we address the response to OMHA regarding the request for information regarding our incorporation?
VP and Director of OMHA and Shamrock Representative- Steve Van Duyhoven
Shamrock meeting notes
Does anyone have Shane’s contact info? He resigned from his position as treasurer but apparently hasn’t returned the books and has been responding to emails. If anyone has it let me know and I’ll get a hold of him and see if I can get them in touch.
U9 Rep. As of right now OMHA has been directed by Hockey Canada that there will be no novice rep any where. Shamrock relayed that they can not run a league without permission from OMHA and OMHA is saying this is a Hockey Canada decision. Unofficially the OMHA response is that they are letting the GTHL fight this battle and waiting to see what happens. The OMHA rep didn’t make it to the meeting so everything was second hand, but Shamrock would be happy to run a league if they’re allowed by Hockey Canada.
A lot of discussion surrounding the term “Meaningful hockey”. It was explained as “No eliminations” prior to March 1st but some interpret that as regular season must still be going until March 1st and other think that you can start earlier you just can’t be knocked out prior to March 1st. Dean was not there to clarify.
Below are a couple of proposals of what playoff structure could look like next year but these are only suggestions, nothing is set in stone. It’s unclear where Port Stanley would end up in the Tier 1-3 structure, but it sounded like DD centers are likely to be with AE2 and below. The popular belief is that beyond next year AE hockey will be eliminated so that could change things.
Option 1
OMHA "Selector" Round Robin Friday, Februrary 19th - Wednesday, March 9th, 2022
- Tier 1, 2 & 3: play a round robin in their own "tier" with match-ups according to regular season standings until Wednesday, March 9th
- Send # of teams per OMHA allowance (per round robin results)
Shamrock "Finals" Tournaments Friday, March 11th to Sunday, March 13th
- Hosts needed for U11/U13 & U15/U18 (TWO host Centres) for *new* SHL (Playoff) Final Tournaments
- Teams put into Group A, Group B and Group C based on (very similar to lacrosse) by Thursday, February 18th
- Teams play 3 guaranteed round robin games, top two teams from each group play for the "Shamrock Championship" on Sunday, March 12th
Example: Shamrock Finals Tournament based on 2019/20 (07 B+) U13 standings on
Group A: Lambeth B, Strathroy BB, Dorchester BB, St. Mary's BB, Ilderton CC, East Lambton C, Mt. Brydges BB, Dresden DD, Lambton Shores C (5 T1s, 4 T2s)
Group B: Belmont C, St. Thomas AE*, Petrolia B, Lucan C, Mooretown B, South Huron CC, North Middlesex C, Strathroy AE #1, St. Mary's AE (2 T1s, 4 T2s, 2 T3s, considering St. Thomas AE* a T2 team)
Group C: South Kent CC, Lambeth AE, Wallaceburg CC, Strathroy AE #2, Ilderton AE, Mt. Brydges AE, Mooretown AE, West Lorne DD, Petrolia AE, South Huron AE (3 T2s, 7 T3s)
Option 2
Extend the season play till March 1 so that everyone is playing. I suggest making ALL 'Like centre' games throughout the season, a playdown game. Ensure when scheduling, these like centre games are completed by mid February (the end of February can be games with non-like centres). If some games need to be rescheduled for whatever reason, we still have the last 2 weeks to work in the games so that every centre has equal number of comparable games. Then we have the option to decide in the first week of March whether or not to have the top 2 teams of each 'like rated centres' divisions have a best of 3 or 5 round robin. Dependent upon how many teams get to move on to next round of OMHA. The remaining teams can then have the rest of March to work out a Shamrock playoffs.
Pros - no organizing of tournaments or added tournament fees. No winner takes all at a tournament. Allows teams to rebound after having a poor game at some point through the season.
Cons - makes every season game against like centres even more important than before.
Option 3
Set up several tournaments at different locations (ideally centres that have more than 1 ice pad) in the first weekend of March. Each tournament deals with either a certain age group(s) with all categories, or they could deal with only a certain category (BB, B CC etc). For each tournament, either winner takes all or have the 1st and 2nd placed teams have a best of 3 round robin in the following week.
Pros - fairly quick results in determining the teams to move on in OMHA
Cons - Added expense and headaches to run a tournament. If a team has a bad game in a tournament, little opportunity to redeem themselves. If a team has multiple sick/unwell players at the time of the tournament, handicaps them to perform to the best of their ability. If the tournaments were all run on the same weekend, it may not allow some teams to AP players to assist in the tournaments because those AP players should be playing on their own teams elsewhere.
Director of Communications-Stephanie Haynes
Shelley will be sending flyer for beer shed so that it can be uploaded to website and facebook
Director of Equipment - Janet Wilson (Absent)
Director of Fundraising- Amber Brooks – Nothing to report
Director at Large- Jeremy Rouse – Nothing to report
Director at Large- Mark Vergeer – Nothing to report
Important Dates
Next meeting
AGM June 8 @ 7:00 Arena