Meeting Minutes
October 17th 2017 meeting 6:30 pm. Port Stanley Legion
Karen, Candice, Christy, Bob, Shane, Scott, Ryan, Kevin, Alex, Luke
Regrets: Rob, Craig, Heather
Novice Rep –Scott-doing well 6-1-1 tournament in St George this weekend
Novice LL- Shane-doing well – undefeated 4-0
Atom LL1-tournament this weekend in Port
Atom LL2-Folded Shamrock team-Shane-Lucan changed the score on the DB one from 23-0 to 7-0 and coach made a comment to our goalie that was inappropriate. LL -first league game tomorrow, ? roster select team- he is interested in coaching this team, tournament this weekend in Port
PeeWee 1-Todd- discussed roster-need certification for trainer/asst coaches some tournaments scheduled, on a waiting list for Mitchell tournament, trying to go to outdoor Buffalo tournament
PeeWee-2 – Alex a lot of defencemen, 2 ties and a loss, 3 tournaments scheduled
Bantam 1- no rep
Bantam 2-Christie 1-1, very young team couple of tournaments arranged
Midget 1 -Karen 1-1 no tournaments booked yet,
Midget 2-Christie 1 out with knee injury, happy with 16 on roster, 2 tournaments booked Hespeler, and Aylmer.
Approval of Past Minutes Motion -Alex Second -Ryan all in favour
OMHA/Shamrock Report –Luke
We owe shamrock $25 for missed meeting
Discussed about new juvenile proposal to run a LL juvenile league-will find out by end of October
Gender neutral training has been encouraged for all volunteers in the organization—CYOB
GTHL 1 year reprieve from cross-ice hockey this season
Shamrock survey sent our for cross ice hockey
Shamrock asked if our association wanted to run the novice all-star game for Shamrock this season –we would have to pay for ice time
LMLL Report – Bob
Local league is in 6 game seeding
Our Atom LL team was added to the league and had 5 of 6 games scheduled and the teams were rebalanced. It was an easy process to do.
Roster select atom, peewee, bantam coaches /managers could poll the team to see if there is any interest.
Motion-Alex To inform membership that is an option and ice available for purchase if they would like to field a roster select team in atom peewee and bantam for the 2017-18 season. Cost to be determined based on (ice time and tournament fees). Second- Candice all in favour
IP Program Report- Kevin
IP program is up and running, learn to skate with JR ip right now. Still on ice for JR ip and sr ip he is having a hard time in recruiting volunteers to help run drills with all the requirements/certifications needed. Good group of kids, having fun
SRIP there will be two evenly dispersed teams. Local league did not want to run a league, now everyone is contacting each other…and seems to have a scheduling meeting set up-it just seems like more work for everyone.
Skating club on Sunday has Canskate and Canpower is on Thursdays
Financial Report- Alex
See monthly summary and my annual projection for review. I also added ice usage to the agenda because once I back out all of our registration refunds (I know I don’t have them all), I currently project a gap at year end.
I removed the ½ hour 630-7 on Sat that we gave to the Jr C’s, but still needed more, so I also dropped 0700-0900 on Sat. and did another 2 options one with 07-0900 Sun and 07-0800 Sun. See updated projections in report.
With Pats suggestions his projections will change expenditures.
Registration Report-Candice
Nothing to report—few payment plan arrangements need to be processed but in much better shape than previous years.
Coaching Report- Scott
nothing changed—by cancelling the midget 3 team it solved the no coach problem for midget 3
Equipment Report-Craig
Everything is in just waiting on a bag and neck guard for your new goalie gear. Alex and I went through the goalie storage and have some old gear that we need to get rid of. Went through the room again and again could not locate the magnets. Like to decide whether or not we are purchasing new ones.
He got the bag for new goalie equipment- since his report above...need a goalie neck guard
went through jerseys
pucks as usual are disappearing
Program Development-Rob
Fundraising Report-Christy
Next Friday is first pepperette order due receive two weeks after
Domino coupon card available $1 sell for $10
Sponsorship Report
Compile a list of sponsors --suggest we need to provide sponsors with gift/picture at the end of the season. Port Stanley BIA
Motion –Candice To provide all team sponsors with a thank you momento at the end of the season Second Alex all in favour
Special Events/Tournaments-Heather
Tournament is this weekend and fill the rink with JR C Team
Preservation of PSMHA committee report Nothing to report
Refund-D S- registered late this year. Not inbounds Port player. Arranged a payment plan for them. They paid half $400. Went to a few practices in Port and tried out for Midget AE in St Thomas. Requested refund on Sep 30 at 8:23 PM. According to our refund policy there is $50 administration fee minus 25% on withdrawals before Oct 1 (on the entire registration not just the paid amount). They do not think this is fair and wanted it to be discussed with the board.
It was discussed and the Board agreed to follow the existing refund policy
AP fees – keep as is
Should we consider being a Local League Center – Only one rep team in whole organization, declining numbers, folding of teams, non-competitive rep teams, will this change in the future or cause issues each season?
Midget LL outcome- 2 teams now, seems like everyone is happy?
Ice Allotment Discussion Pat came at 7:30 pm to discuss set practice times as his email. Advises not to give up any weekly time and perhaps early weekends and 5-6:30pm on Saturdays.
Pat’s recommendations:
In the past there has been discussion of set practices, this year with the teams down it is possible: Here is what I propose if you would like to discuss it at executive meeting:
Mon 6pm Atom 1
7pm Peewee 1 (to alternate with peewee2)
8pm Bantam 1
9pm Mid 2
Wed 5pm Novice rep
6:05pm Atom 2
thurs 8:30 Bantam 2
9:30 Mid 1
Fri 5pm Novice local
6pm Peewee 2 (to alternate with peewee1)
also if you are looking at giving back ice I would suggest sat 7-8am and 5-6:30pm and sunday 7-8:30 am
Motion by Luke To go with Pats time allotments with times teams assigned for age levels subject to change. Second –Shane - all in favour
Adjourn 9:15pm