PSMHA Minutes
Date: July 16 2019, 630pm at The St. Thomas Roadhouse
Attendees: Alex Russell, Shelley Boyes, Ryan Adams, Jean Devine, Janet Wilson, Scott Bate, Rick Lalonde, Craig Sim, Greg Graham, Joe Hentz, Shane MacPherson
Regrets: Margaret Powell, Kelly Savage
Motion from Alex to start the meeting, seconded by Jean.
Approval of Past Minutes- Jean to approve minutes, seconded by Shelley
Registrar Report:
181 and likely to increase with younger divisions over the next two months.
May lose 6-8 from these numbers with AE. I propose that after Sept 1 anyone can be potentially wait listed if not paid and no room on a team.
Preschool (formerly jr/ip)
Inititiation (SR IP)
PreNovice (Tyke)
16, 1 goalie
26, 4 goalies
19 , 4 goalies
25, 2 goalies (potential to lose 2 to AE)
44, 4 goalies (potential to lose 2 to AE)
We can take another 3 novice goalies and 2 bantam goalies???
Is there any division we need to waitlist? Atom and novice and midget?? WE never restrict registration for anything below novice in the past. Is this still the case?
Port Stanley - Team Summary
Interested Coaches
# of Players
# of Goalies
# of Teams
Preschool & Initiation
Pre- Novice
1 Local League
1 Local League
1 Rep
Can rotate goalie
Novice LL
Novice Rep
1 Local League
1 Rep
Closed to Goalies, wait list any goalies interested
Atom LL
Atom Rep
2 Local League
Closed to Goalies, wait list any goalies interested
2 Local League
3 Local League
Wait List Goalies
Still open to players
Directors Notes:
Margaret- Director of Local League
· Next LMLL meeting August 6th @7pm – needs the team totals
· Suggestion – can we call LL teams Port Red and Port Black rather than LL1 and LL2 – most other teams do this and it makes things less confusing. Please proceed with Red and Black. Where there are 3 teams, the 3rd team will be noted as White.
· New Question – Can we please get the suspension list? Not having the list caused a negative impact last year
Craig- Director of Coaching:
There have been 18 coach applications:
· 3 for IP
· 3 for Novice rep
· 1 for Novice LL
· 2 for Atom rep (one which is as well listed for novice rep)
· 1 for Atom LL (same coach as novice)
· 3 for Peewee
· 4 for Bantam
· 3 for Midget
Will need to form a committee for the interviews, Scott, Margaret, and Janet have volunteered.
Coaching Committee was appointed: Scott, Shelley, Janet, Margaret, Craig
· Craig to review applicants and advise if meeting is required to review and interview candidates. Date, time and location to TBD.
Shelley- Director of Tournament and Events:
PSMHA Memorial Tournament
What we know:
-Date: November 1-3 weekend
-Times: November 1-4 pm until November 3- 2 pm
-Shooting Gallery and 3 on 3 blow up games booked
-On OMHA tournament listings (No team has reached out)
What we (well I) don't know:
-Have reached out to meet with the "Hockey Mom's" for support with a few capacities with the tournament, waiting to hear back
-Waiting to meet with Alana to get all of the info from when it was run in the past, and get a copy of the flyer to update and distribute to our neighboring centers.
-Waiting to hear back from "Gong Show" re hats
-Unsure of next steps, reached out and waiting on direction
-Once chosen, need to know the coached info for Atom LL to reach out re tournament
What I need support with:
-Booking ref's, looking on the OMHA website, there are many other tournaments booked that weekend (Simcoe and Tillsonburg)
-Will need board volunteers to help out for that weekend, please put it in your calendar and let me know if you are unavailable
-Tournament structure??
Broom Ball
-Anything I should be starting?
-Booking Ice Time?
Ryan - Director of Development: Need a final decision on the goalie development
· Ryan to look at Puckstoppers, have parents purchase a package and PSMHA will reimburse
Rick- Director of Sponsorship
· Discussed details of the Green Lane letter
· Reviewed sponsorship form, made some suggestions for modifications
Joe – Director of I/P-
Jean – Treasurer Report:
Shane-OMHA and Shamrock Representative:
Follow up from June meeting:
· Can Minor Novice play in Major Novice if the skill is there, but there is enough players from 2011 to fill a team? Yes
· Can Major Novice play Atom Rep? Yes, but not until full ice Jan 15th
· If there is not a rep team for novice in port, can players get 3.5's to play at other centers No
· What is the plan for 2011 that don't make the rep team, as not enough players to run both Rep and LL for Novice Major To be discussed
· Can major novice players play down, if still isn't there? Have to get permission from LL, will address if needed.
Greg- Director of Equipment:
· The Tim Hortons jerseys have been ordered.
· After discussions with Alex and Joe we came to a decision to order the same colours for Preschool, IP, and Pre Novice with exception to adding a 3rd colour to IP. This will give us the ability to shuffle jerseys to from age group to age group to best make our teams. Possibly allowing for a dark and a light jersey for Pre novice. We chose to go with the Ottawa Home and away which are similar to PSMHA jerseys, and Calgary Red which are all pictured below.
· Ordered 43 Ottawa Black, 43 Ottawa White and 14 Calgary red.
· Also, below I added the Atomc Mock up for the jerseys
· Can we rename to something like Sailors Salute Tournament or something a little more “catchy” – if we are doing T-Shirts/hats or something that could make for a better logo.
Tournament is on-line
Port Stanley Memorial Tournament
· Nov 1 - 3
· First game : Nov 1 @4pm
· Last game : Nov 3 @2pm
· Tournament fee : $950
· Electronic game sheets will be used
· Atom HL / LL
· 18 games will be played
· $90 paid to OMHA by MP - this can be updated as we know the tournament schedule.
· Sponsors thank you cards – still a work in progress
· Haven’t seen the invoice from Impressions for the Flyers yet
· Game sheet fees were $270 – Alex had a cheque for $170. I gave them a check for the difference $100. Sent a copy of the receipt to Jean.
· Danglers Sports – they were willing to do a Port Stanley fittings – does this conflict with our agreement with Herm’s?
Skills for I.P (Shelley)
· Waiting to hear back from Leslie, she is presently on vacation
· I would like to know what exact dates and times she would be needed, and our budget
Incorporation Discussion – Full details to be discuss but will need put in front of the members, Will need to advise OMHA, update the bank account and website once incorporation is complete.
Motion to adjourn – Alex, seconded by Shane.