July 17, 2017 Executive Meeting 630, Roadhouse St Thomas
Alex Norm Bob Luke Scott Ryan Kevin Todd
Karen arrived at 710
Amy arrived at 730
Rob arrived at 735
Candice, Heather
Approval of Past Minutes
Motion by Alex 2nd Kevin carried
OMHA/Shamrock Report –Luke
There was discussion regarding crossover games with the Alliance (which would not have any implications for PSMHA as it was BB and above).
Form has been submitted requesting ice time allocations for Shamrock Scheduling.
‘Gender neutral’ training for team officials, will be mandatory this year
Other attachment for coaching credentials, what we need for each level
LMLL Report – Bob
No June or July Meeting
Small committee looking into rules for tyke
Sent new rules to Pat and Cindy (ie cross ice, seeding, refs)
IP Program Report- Kevin
No meeting in June or July
Financial Report- Alex (attached)
Little activity this month, have Karen and I established as signors for the Libro account, need to close out RBC
So far decent use of e-transfers, still some cc – but reiterate no cash! Suggested put this on the website – especially as there appear to be people who checked yes for rep, but only show 700 in their invoice – so they didn’t add it to their cart. Alex to have Candice confirm.
Motion to Accept Norm 2nd Todd - Carried
Registration Report-Candice provided last week
SR + JR IP total 27 players
Novice 1 rep goalies and 13 tryouts 1 LL goalie and 5 LL players total 20 players
Atom rep 10 players + 1 goalie + 1 goalie or player 7 LL +( waiting for a transfer) total 20 players
Pee Wee 2 LL goalies 14 local league players 1 rep goalie and 11 for tryouts total 28 players
Bantam 3 LL goalies + 10 LL only + 8 rep players total 21 players
Midget 3 goalies 17 rep tryouts 20 players LL ??NRP's total 40 players
Juvenile 4 players registered
Motioned by Todd to send another flyer for JK/SK and Grade 1 in Sept to catch 1st and oldest who were not in school when the spring flyer went out. Same schools as last time.
Motion Norm 2nd Luke – All in Favour
Coaching Report-Scott
Coaches have stepped up for most teams/age groups
45 coach reviews completed last year. All reviewed and all are good from those who applied to coach again this year.
Equipment Report-Norm
Equipment room dehumidifier not working. Have notified Central Elgin and no response yet. We pay to rent that room, so we should get it fixed. Suggested by Todd to get quotes to see if we can have it included in the capital budget for next year. Paul Ronayne, Gas Tech, Hughes…
Lead-time on socks is 8 to 10 weeks. Consequently, I am seeking board approval to purchase team socks this week.
Estimated cost:
Small: $18.50
M: $20.50
L: $21.00
XL: $21.75
Last year's order quantity was the following;
30 - small
30 - medium
20 - large
50 - XL
TOTAL = $2,677 plus HST
Current sock inventory in PSMHA:
S: 2 pairs. (21"-22")
M: 5 pairs (25"-26")
Int: 9 pairs (27"-28") older style.
L: 20 pairs (27"-28")
XL: 20 pairs (29"-30")
Worst Case Purchase Volume:
Enough for two or three teams per age division. That's 30 to 45 socks per age group, less our current PSMHA inventory.
45 small - Tykes
40 small - Novice
40 small - Atom
40 medium - Peewee.
20 large Bantam / Midget
55 XL Bantam / Midget
TOTAL = $ 4,748.00 plus HAT
Will also need some pucks and potentially some training aids (stick handling), will not buy or provide water bottles.
Alex motion to provide Equipment Director with $5000 for purchase of socks, pucks and skills aids. 2nd Scott – Carried
Norm advised that he did not think he would be able to fulfill his entire term, would firm up a date after this year is set up
Program Development-Rob
No Update – all set as per the plan.
Fundraising Report- Amy
Pepperettes are good to go and looking at Little Ceasers (similar to pepperettes, good return, not a huge administration burden, those who want to use can, those who don’t can opt out) Nov 1, Dec 1, Jan 1 are target dates, will hand out to coaches as soon as they are selected. Teams and players have the choice to participate.
Sponsorship Report- Todd
Sponsorship banners 3 quotes, Impressions was cheapest and they do our other printing. Motioned by Amy, 2nd Norm - carried
Special Events/Tournaments-Heather
Dates for tournament are ok – Oct 21 and 22 for Atom LL Tournament.
Non-Profit Registration – Luke has the forms completed for our Letter of Patent that we need signed, also will require $255 for the processing as well as $60 for our Ontario NUANS name reservation for the Letter of Patent.
Report from the Preservation of psmha committee (attached)
Alex Motion to add link to website with Q&A section 2nd Luke, carried.
Ice Schedule Master Plan
Deferred pending team discussions
Director at large applicant - Shane Macpherson
Motion by Alex to accept him, Karen 2nd carried.
Referee Clinic
In past years we would pay for Midget aged kids to take referee course and work it off over the season, will we do it this year? Q- with tyke not having games, do we still do this, or can we dictate them to ref Novice LL games?
Motion Rob 2nd Todd, carried max is 3.
Team planning for 2017-18 season.
Novice – Up to 4 more from a wait list. Rep will have 10-12 players, ap a bunch for the future, LL 10-12 players
Motion by Rob to have both LL and Rep 2nd by Amy – Carried (2 opposed)
Atom – Up to 6 more from a wait list. Rep will have 10-13 players, ap a bunch for the future, LL 10-13 players
Peewee – Motion by Luke 2nd by Ryan - 2 LL teams 1 opposed 2 abstained.
Cap at 14 skaters per team, plus up to 4 goalies.
Motioned by Rob, 2nd by Norm 2 equal LL teams, with roster select who can enter up to 2 additional tournaments, roster will emphasis inbound players. Carried
Bantam – Motion by Luke 2nd by Scott to not have a rep team. Carried
Keep waiting list to see how many we lose to rep elsewhere before deciding if we need another team.
Midget – Motion for Rob 2nd by Norm 1 rep and 2 local teams, Max roster size 16, can take up to 45 skaters any others stay on wait list pending NRP tryouts as we don’t want to accept more and end up adding them to local teams that are already full. Anticipate losing 1-3 players to NRP
Juvenile – Too soon to tell, but need to remove the no late fee comment on the website. Need to ensure they pay outstanding fees from last year before agreeing to allow them to play this year. Roster size 20 min, by Oct 15 or no team.
Adjourn 940