January 2020 Minutes (Port Stanley Minor Hockey)

PrintJanuary 2020 Minutes

PSMHA Minutes

Date: January 21, 2020 @Pierside Pub 6:30pm

Motion to begin Kelly, seconded by Shelley: 6:35pm

Attendees: Scott Bate, Farley See, Rick Lalonde, Craig Sim, Joe Hentz, Shelley Boyes, Kelly Savage, Greg Graham, Steve Van Duynhoven

Regrets: Margaret Powell, Alex Russell, Janet Wilson, Jean Devine Ryan Adams

Motion to accept December minutes submitted by Shelley and second by Greg

Registrar Report: nothing to report

Brian Reiger Parent rep from Bantam Red:

·       good season with lots of team building

·       successful initial start to the season and now in B division and losing because of the seeding process

·       the team hopes that the minutes for penalty time can be worked out throughout the next year

·       also scheduling games during exams for high school players, can that be brought up at next LL meeting


Directors Notes:

Director of Local League: Margaret Powell

·       OMHA

·       Glenn has currently had to step away from his position for health reasons. All contact should go to Debbie Munn or Craig Lane.

·       Cut off for AP Players is Jan 15th

·       Reminder that Novice and Under Coaches – require intro 1 to coaching


·       Suspensions

·       LMLL suspensions only apply to LMLL sanctioned games. A suspended player can play in an exhibition games and tournaments.

·       Suspensions earned in a tournament are served in the remaining games of the tournament and carried over to League play

·       All 5 minute penalties come with a game misconduct – even if they aren’t correctly coded.  For example: 5 Minute Checking from behind, is 5 minutes + an additional game

·       Standard of Play update

o   Suspensions have been lower than in previous years – potentially because of the new rules around Standards of Play

o   16 Minutes of Physical Fouls

§  LMLL will be tracking this, coaches should also track this proactively. We should get notification when a player reaches the 16 minute threshold.

§  Admin around tracking is main challenge as game sheet does not provide a good report for this.

§  We currently have two Port players who are suspended under this rule – coaches were tracking and reached out proactively.


Lots of discussion about LL play regarding seeding, penalty minutes and overall atmosphere with these new limits of penalty minutes at all levels.

·       Kids are worried about penalty minutes constantly

·       With the lack of tracking and leaving it to the coaches it becomes a constant concern, the coaches are volunteers and this may sway some because they will then be suspended

·       Reffing – there seems to be a general concession that the refs are calling more severe penalties

·       Seeding – there is potential that the season could end for players at the beginning of February.  What is PSMHA going to do for families that pay the same amount and have 4-6 weeks less hockey?  What are other associations doing?

·       One suggestion is that start with higher minutes for Peewee and less for Bantam and then less Midget?



Novice LL

o   Divisions for Novice LL were laid out, games to be scheduled by a scheduler. Port is in the C Pool.

o   Discussions around whether there will be regular playoff games or a tournament format. LMLL is checking whether this counts as one of the tournaments, as the Novice and below program specifies the max number of tournaments. Thought was that no it does not count

o   Dorchester is proposing a tournament format and are looking for other partners with ice March 27.28,29. Would Port Stanley have ice/volunteers to help? NO

·       LMLL All Star game – looking for a host. Would need 6 hours of ice likely March 28 or 29 and the volunteer commitment to make it happen. Costs include ice time and refs. Jerseys were paid for by the organizations sending players. Pt Edward hosted last year and are willing to provide guidance.  Is Port Stanley interested in hosting? NO

Game Day Crew

·       Lynn received a call from a coach about game day crew. They had some penalties wrong and the score of a game. Lynn sent an email reminding the crew of the importance of the role and recording accurate information especially when coach suspensions and playoffs on the line. I followed up on her email reiterating the importance of an accurate game sheet.

·       We collected $350 to donate to the Port Stanley foodbank. I asked Lynn to deposit, Jean could you please cut a check and we will get a team to drop it off.




Director of Coaching: Craig Sim

Action Item: Alex - please find out if Port Stanley can have two coaches for the new Hockey Canada training program.  Greg and Joe are both interested. 


Director of Tournament and Events: Shelley Boyes

Hockey day in Canada February 8th, 2019






IP2/ Pre-School



Novice LL Vs

North Middlesex


Novice Rep Vs

Mt. Brydges


Bantam Black


12:30 pm

Atom LL


1:30 pm

Peewee Red


2:45 pm

Peewee Black


5:00 pm

Bantam Red


7:00 pm

Jr C Sailors

Possible Game?



-Coloring Station- Will need to buy markers

-Craft Station- Will need to buy supplies (Alison Mac)

-Mini Sticks hockey game

-Possible- Call Herms about blow up Shooter

-Shooting Price Game- Ideas???



-Ryan is looking into the possibility of the Jr C’s having a play-off  (Sailors Fill the rink)

Donations for old equipment or take it for free to clear out storage rooms


-Pancakes and sausage from 7am-11 am

-After that pizza if no games are booked, in games are booked Spaghetti


·       Greg to look into finding the sticks

·       Shelley has new lists to work off and will have details at the Feb meeting

·       Dave Charter is the ref contact


Director of Development: Ryan Adams- N/A

Director of Sponsorship: Rick Lalonde- nothing to report

Director of Initiation Program: Joe Hentz

·      The IP program is taking advantage of a lot of unused ice which is great for the kids


Treasurer Report: Jean Devine- See reports attached


OMHA and Shamrock Representative: Steve Van Duynhoven

·       There was a Shamrock/Play down scheduling meeting Monday January 6th.  No new business for Shamrock.  Atom play down format for the first round was switched from Series to round Robin. Games scheduled.

·       OMHA announced an info session for Tuesday January 14th to discuss option for shared boundary agreement/amalgamation.

·       Scott, Farley, Greg and myself attended the info session.  We will discuss at the next meeting.

Amalgamation brainstorming talks with OMHA reps held Jan 14th with many centres in attendance.  The thoughts are creating new hybrid associations to make A centres for “rep” and then funnel down to LL or HL using the other rinks. 

Shamrock wants 6-8 centres:

·       Belmont/Aylmer/Dorchester

·       New Hamburg

·       Petrolia/Mooretown

·       Port Dover/Waterford/Simcoe

·       St. Thomas/Port Stanley/West Lorne

·       Lucan/North Middlesex

·       Simcoe

·       Strathroy/Mount Brydges (or some other format)

Two year trial 2021-2022 season and then form new associations.  This is the same thing as the conversations we have had in the past. But this is still in a holding pattern as of yet. 



Director of Equipment: Greg Graham

·       AtomMC program ordering update- Ordered two sets of white jerseys


Director of Fundraising: Farley See




1.     AGM is booked for April 21st @ 6:30pm upstairs at the arena.  All amendments and motions need to be submitted to Kelly Savage by Mar 23rd.  I will need to post the agenda and send out the meeting minutes from last year by April 14th




Important Dates


January 15

Novice full ice implementation

January 28

LMLL Playoff Round 1 (Jan 29-Feb 23)

January 6

Shamrock meeting- Strathroy

January 7

LMLL meeting

February 8

Hockey Day in Canada

February 9

Shamrock Quarter Finals begin

February 25

LLML Playoff round 2 (Feb 26 -Mar 31)

Mar 27-29

Novice rep & LL playoff tournaments

April 10-12 2020


April 21


8 pm - Motion to adjourn Craig, seconded by Greg