Date: June 18 2019, 630pm at The St. Thomas Roadhouse
Attendees: Margaret Powell, Jean Devine, Janet Wilson, Rick Lalonde, Scott Bate, Greg Graham, Shelley Boyes
Regrets: Alex Russell, Shane MacPherson, Ryan Adams, Craig Sim, Joe Hentz
Motion from Margaret to start the meeting and second by Jean
Approval of Past Minutes- Jean to approve May minutes and second by Shelley
Registrar Report:
Registration continues to be low. Only 124 players registered.
Atom 4 goalies and 18 players close off goalie registration
Bantam 3 goalies (1 says he will never play in Port signed up for a release to St Thomas)
19 players
Initiation 15 players
Midget 4 goalies and 27 players – close off goalie registration unless more players sign up and there is enough for a 3rd team
Novice 9 players and 1 goalie
Peewee 4 goalies and 11 players- close off goalie registration
Pre-novice 9 players
· There are a few kids possibly trying out for AE in the fall...what is our policy of saving spot? Can we say that if they have not contacted the register and paid by Sept 1- (or Sept ??) will be placed on a waiting list. I made notes on the attached files of potential players leaving.
o Do not shut down registration but the player does need to be in touch with the Registrar.
· There are alot of $$$ outstanding. I was hoping maybe a post can be made on the website to remind of late registration July 1- 2019. Also, a reminder that all fees must be paid by Sept 1- 2019. Etransfer to [email protected] is preferred.
Action Item: to be posted on the website and Facebook Just a reminder to register for PSMHA before the July 1st deadline, as the price increases by $100 at that time. If you have already registered please disregard this message.
A common mistake in registering is to not select a payment method. Registration is not complete if a payment method is not selected and you have not received an email from Hockey Canada with a receipt attached. If a method is not selected and you have not received a receipt your child is not registered.
To pay by etransfer select cheque and etranfer funds before Sept 1 to [email protected]
Thanks and see you next season,
PSMHA registrar
· Do we need to close registration at any level as of July 1 and wait list people? What should I be telling people as of July 1 and the deadline passes? Do not shut down registration just charge the late fee.
Directors Notes:
Margaret- Director of Local League
Flyers - 3000 Flyers distributed youngest and only at ECC, Kettle Creek, Pierre Trudeau, Southwold, Dutton, John Wise, Lockes, Mitchell Hepburn.
- Printed at Impressions Printing - $249
- Get the flyer out in March next year - we seem to always be rushing in June. Any Feedback on flyer for next year - adjustments to level of play or maybe number of practices
- Post on the web site so that parents can share?
LMLL Update
Updates to the Rules for the 2019-2020 season – The main driving factor for these changes is concern at the Midget level of play.
Standard of Play
1. 8 Minutes and Out – Once a player accumulates 8 minutes of penalties they will be ejected from the game. (Applies to Peewee and Above only)
a. Coach is responsible for tracking this. Any player who plays beyond the 8th minute of penalty will be deemed ineligible. The coach will be penalized for playing an ineligible player (3 game suspension).
b. Time Keeper will tracking the penalty minutes and alerting ref when player accumulates 8 minutes. Investigation as to whether the GameSheet app can be adjusted to send an alert.
c. 3rd game of 8 minutes = 3 game suspension
d. 4th game of 8 minutes = Indefinite suspension
2. Physical Fouls (Applies to all) – to any physical fouls that occur during the season. Monitored by the League Statistician.
a. 16 minutes – Suspension
b. 24 minutes – Indefinite suspension
3. Recognition for fair play (Applies to all) Teams will be recognized on a weekly basis by the League for 0 penalty minute games
4. Frequent Penalty Offenders List (Applies to all) – Statistician will build a list of top 20% offenders and communicate this to the organization before 31. Organization should review standards of play with the player and their parents.
2 GMs in play-offs would result in player being suspended for the remainder of that playoffs
-This was piloted for the 2018-2019 playoffs and there were no players with 2 GMs in playoffs. This is an improvement over previous years.
Novice and Below
- LMLL will offer a Minor Novice Level of play – run in a similar format to the Tyke last year’s scheduling meeting.
- Lambeth proposed a setup similar to what the Shamrock.
- Suggest 14 kids on a team – when playing at a center do 7vs7 on each half of the ice.
- Games can be 3 on 3 or 4 on 4
Changes to the seeding process and playoffs
- Organizations felt that 6 games were not enough to fairly seed a team
- Teams will be split into East and West for seeding
- Teams will play every team in their region once. Teams will be divided into pools after that.
- Discussion around a change playoff to best 2 of 3 games for playoffs
Fees paid
- $270 for Gamesheet
- $420 for Jerseys for All Star Game
Next LMLL meeting August 6th @7pm
Action Item: The LL deadline for team submissions is August 5th. As a Board we will have to decide the number of teams at each level of play at the July meeting which will be July 16th
Craig- Director of Coaching:
· More applicants have put forth their intentions to coach but did not provide those names
· Make sure all applicants know their requirements early
Shelley- Director of Tournament and Events:
· Date chosen at last meeting will not work, as many other local centres are having tournaments that weekend and there may be issues with finding refs. Plan to move the tournament to November 1-3 or 8-10 weekend instead
· Date chosen of Nov 1 (4pm would be the earliest time) Margaret to update OMHA website
Action Item: Kelly to reach out to Pat Elliott to verify ice time for that weekend. UPDATE- Alex has sent information to Central Elgin to get the ice confirmed (and upstairs for the weekend)
· Presently the blow up 3on3/shooting gallery are booked for the 1-3 weekend for us to use
· Discussion needed about adding Matt Moyes' name to the tournament name, as they were all friends
· Suggestion is for it to be called the Port Stanley Memorial Tournament and include all their names
· Plan to reach out to the families of Ron, Greg and Matt re the tournament as they have been involved in the past in helping out in it and it would be nice to have a memorial board
· Plan to revisit the idea of a "sleep-in Tournament" and only focus on Atom LL or Atom Rep. It was said that keeping it small and making that group feel super special was key
· Alana is pulling out all the info to pass on and plans to sit down with Tournament/Events Director later in the week (report cards are done now)
· Discussion of reaching out to the hockey moms to run the food booth- Shelley to contact Christa David
· Discussion of doing 50/50 tickets (would need to apply for a gaming license)
Ryan - Director of Development:
· Sent two quotes for the Monday skills and the goalie night. Revisit the goalie pricing in the next meeting for approval. Board felt that # was high? Is there an option for someone else or only 1 instructor? Decision to be at July meeting unless an answer is required earlier
Rick- Director of Sponsorship:
· final #’s needed for Greenlane letter and sending letter out to get more sponsors.
Joseph – Director of I/P- nothing to report
Jean – Treasurer Report- nothing to report as of yet.
Shane-OMHA and Shamrock Representative:
Action Item: Question from the Board-
1. can a Novice age player ask for a 3.5?
2. Can a Major Novice play Atom?
3. Can a Minor Novice play Major Novice?
Greg- Director of Equipment:
· Has filled out the applications for the Timbits jerseys
· Started to clean out the locker room and should be done soon
· Major Novice:
Update needed on how Major/Minor Novice will run, Will there be rep?,
Will tryouts for Rep include both 2011, 2012?
If 2011's don't make the rep team will they then play Minor Novice?
· Skills for IP
Reached out to Kim McCaw and she said she is interested in running it with her team, as there are some weekends she is away. Would like more specific details on time on Sunday and what PSMHA is willing to pay
Update- Shelley is going to reach out to Leslie Rugeri to see if she would be interested
· Suggestion to use Optimist money for the new socks