Date: Nov 17, 2020
Attendees: Alex, Isabelle, Greg, Shelley, Margaret, Rick, Joe, Jean, Steph, Steve, Mark, and Janet
Regrets: Jeremy and Amber
Motion to begin meeting: Steph and seconded by Jean @ 7:04 pm
Motion to End Meeting: Jean and seconded by Greg @ 9:14pm
Motion to approve Oct 20,2020 minutes: Isabellle and seconded by
Registrar Report:
Out of 21 teams this season I have 5 approved by OMHA. I still do not have rosters for U8 or U9. All teams need aa coach and trainer to roster the team. Some assigned coaches do not have the proper coaching certification or it has expired.
Approved rosters are due Dec 1-2020
Approved teams are U11 red, U13 red, U13 silver, U15 black and U18 black
-Greg will follow up with the coaches. Alex will forward the list he has with who needs what to get this completed.
Topics of Discussion:
Directors Notes:
President- Alex Russell
Rosters – some coaches have not yet completed their courses and/or arranged for a trainer. We cannot play games without approved rosters. –Greg is following up
Jerseys/trainer kits – the jersey’s need to be sorted and trainer kits built. If replacements need to be ordered we will need to approve the budget.
Skills – Margaret is working on some options to extend skills in case games are further delayed. We need to provide her with a budget.
Sponsorships – Great community support – Lions 1000, Optimist 1000, Lioness, 600+500 with another planned for January! Greenlane?
Pictures – We usually do them in time to receive the packages for Christmas. Shooter Bob is willing/able to setup individual photos upstairs and has enhanced his ability to assemble the team afterwards. Do we want to confirm this? – Alex will be booking shooter Bob for picture night. They will be completed in the upstairs individually no team photos and being completed on a Monday and Wednesday evening.
Games – In general, Belmont is reluctant to start games with the potential for a lock-down, but they do want to continue discussions so that we are ready if/when the situation improves; For now they have shuffled their teams and created a mini house league that is working at peewee and below, their bantams are a little restless and midget are eager for games.
U18 (Midget) - Belmont has 22 midgets and we have 30, max league size is 50, so we cannot link up as is but they did mini-seasons and registration for the second one closed over the weekend, we may be in a better spot now, WL has 25 players.
U15 (Bantam) – Belmont has 2 teams, we have 2 teams and WL has 2 teams. Based on team sizes we may be able to link up – we have 15, WL 18 and Belmont will confirm. If they are 17 or less we are good to go.
U13 (Peewee) – Belmont will confirm numbers, WL has no peewee
U11 (Atom) – Belmont will confirm numbers, WL has 1 team
U9 (Novice) - Belmont will confirm numbers, WL has 1 team
Forms – Central Elgin are generally ok with how we have been working, but has noticed a vast improvement in the completion of forms…but made it clear they expect 100%! Phone numbers being the usual missing item.
Other rules in the arena – A small, but noticeable increase in parents acting like they are not aware only 1 parent per player and no outside food/drinks are permitted.
Players – have been much better pregame, we need to make sure we continue to follow the dressing room rules now that it is getting colder. Players who can get undressed in under 10 min are still not permitted to. Helmets and skates only (pads if goalie).
VP and Director of Local League- Isabelle Marchand
Would like to have x’s placed on the benches on the ice so that the kids now to sit a part not close together
Director of Coaching- Greg Graham
Will be following up with coaches
Coaches to be wearing masks when on the bench
Director of communication Stephanie Haynes
Access to website meeting set up for this coming Thursday with Rick
Director of Tournament and Events- Shelley Boyes
Would like to have Santa do the screening Dec 19 for the kids in the morning.
Motion to give Shelley a budget of $250 for the Santa Skate and she can determine the buying or rental of the outfit and anything else needed. Motioned first Steph and seconded by Jean all in favour
Shelley will be consulting with Public Health regarding giving out treats.
We will be asking for donations for the food bank (cash or food) Shelley will link with the Port Stanley foodbank (has a connection on their board and Shelley will arrange for her to pick up the donations on Saturday in the pm) Don’t want to get caught up on cash or food, as she knows the food bank is happy with whatever they get. They also link up with other food banks, if they have too much of one item and support them by passing that item on.
Shelley will make a flyer in the next few weeks to put on facebook and the website and also to give to the teams so they are aware.
Director of Development- Margaret Powell
Skills Update
- Skills end mid Dec - Last day of 10 session skills would be Wednesday Dec 9 and Monday Dec 14 (Started Oct 5th)
- Ellis is available to run more skills for us. He is definitely willing to do additional session and can work with our Budget, even potentially alternating weeks. Do we have the Budget for this?
- Looking for suggestions for Skills for the younger age
- Other ideas - Shooting clinic opportunities, Virtual dryland training
- Currently parents are running the clock and coaches are reffing for all scrimmage with the team that shares their ice time.
- Do we want to set up some games with official ref and clock?
- Ideas for some extension of game opportunity inter-org
Option 1. Have Atom Tier A play Peewee Tier B, Peewee Tier A plays Bantam
- Who would Atom Tier B play?
Option 2 - Build Player Pods. Split Tier A into 4 teams of even skilled groups of 3 or 4 players (A1,A2,A3,A4). Have a coach for each pod. Do the same with Tier B (B1,B2,B3,B4). Then mix and match the Pods for game play. We can keep score, player stats (if we want).
A1 & B1 (GOALIE1)
A3 & B3 (GOALIE 2)
A2 & B2 (GOALIE 3)
A4 & B4 (GOALIE 4)
A1 & B3 (GOALIE 2)
A3 & B1 (GOALIE 1)
A2 & B4 (GOALIE 4)
A4 & B2 (GOALIE 3)
A1 & B2 (GOLAIE 3)
A3 & B4 (GOALIE 4)
A2 & B3 (GOLAIE 1)
A4 & B1 (GOALIE 2)
A1 & B4 (GOALIE 4)
A3 & B2 (GOALIE 3)
A2 & B1 (GOALIE 2)
A4 & B3 (GOALIE 1)
New Business:
- Any ideas for Christmas fundraisers for teams? Masks? Or some Herm's promotion?
- Jerseys - It would be nice to assign out numbers / jerseys to kids.
Director of Sponsorship- Rick Lalonde
Greenlane letter went out should hear back the beginning of Dec as they have not yet had their meeting since receiving letter. Submitted amount was for $29685.00
Director of I/P- Joe Hentz
Nothing to report. No
Treasurer - Jean Devine
Ice Scheduler Pat has been paid $2600.00
In good financial state. But to always keep in mind if we were cancelled we would have $80000.00 in refunds at this time. Have not received Greenlanes funds like previous years as of yet.
Motion to accept financial report first by Alex seconded by Steph and all in favour
VP and Director of OMHA and Shamrock Representative- Steve Van Duyhoven
Nothing to report
Director of Equipment - Janet Wilson
Jerseys/trainer kits – the jersey’s need to be sorted and trainer kits built. If replacements need to be ordered we will need to approve the budget.
Janet is looking into how many pinnies are needed. Herm’s has them for $6.00 a piece another local company is $8.00
There are extra month guards and neck guards in the equipment room.
Will be going through the equipment room to sort trainer kits and jerseys for the teams this coming weekend.
Director of Fundraising- Amber Brooks
Looking at masks and if we should have families order first or just make a bulk order
Director at Large- Jeremy Rouse
Nothing to report
Director at Large- Mark Vergeer
Important Dates
Next meeting
Dec 15 at 7 @ Port Stanley Arena upstairs
Santa at the rink
Dec 19,2020