Port Stanley Minor Hockey Executive Special Meeting
Tuesday May 1 @ the Port Stanley Legion – 7:15pm start
Attendees: Heather, Craig, Margaret, Ryan, Scott, Christy, Luke, Rick, Kelly, Karen, Alex
Motion from Scott:
To fold the Peewee and Bantam rep teams for the 2018/2019 hockey season
Ryan – second
All in Favor
Nominations for any vacancies on the Board?
No one has offered their support yet.
Recruit for the May 15th Meeting
Craig nominates Luke for the President of PSMHA
Christy – second
All in Favor- CARRIED
Current Vacancies for the 2018/2019 Executive
PSMHA Board Positions
I/P Director
OMHA/Shamrock director
Non – Board Positions
Director of Game Day operations
Ice Convenor
Thank you cards will be purchased for sponsors, team pictures with a Thank you note inside.
Next full meeting May 15th 7pm –
Meeting finished – 8:10pm