Date: July 17
Time – 7:05 start
Alex Russell, Rick Lalonde, Scott Bate, Margaret Powell, Jean Devine, Kelly Savage, Ryan Adams, Jason Wiener, Shane MacPherson
Luke Cummings, Christy Hunking, Craig Sims, Heather Payne
Approval of May minutes- Alex, second by Shane, and carried
Registration Numbers (as of July 16th)
Division |
Players |
Goalies |
Teams |
Proposed Coaching Staff |
Preschool |
4 |
Kevin Barendregt |
IP |
18 |
Kevin Barendregt |
Novice |
18 + 3 |
1 |
1 Local
1 Rep |
Rob Jansen
Ryan Adams |
Atom |
23 |
5 |
1 Local
1 Rep |
Rick Lalonde or Ryan Ward
Shane MacPherson |
PeeWee |
20 |
2 |
2 Local |
Jason Wiener
Shawn Hutton |
Bantam |
21 + 1 |
2 |
2 Local |
Trent Frayne
Jason Palmer |
Midget |
27 |
3 |
2 Local |
Larry Hunking
Craig Sims |
Juvenile |
5 |
Motion put forward to fold the Midget rep team, Shane and second by Scott. All in favour and carried. (Alex abstained from the vote for personal reasons)
Players to be notified and posted on the website.
Juvenile Program details still being modified, idea to combine centres
Directors Notes:
Craig- Director of Equipment
No need to order jersey’s
Has ordered socks and pucks
Try to set up some dates to go through the jerseys – please let the Executive know a day and who can help out
Ryan - Director of Development:
Has been in contact with Mike Ellis about modifications to the Skills night.
Motion to charge a fee for the skills sessions to ensure that players are committed and focused – carried (could someone let me know who submitted this?)
First 2 sessions will be no charge and then for those wishing to commit beyond that payment of $40/ 10 sessions will be required
Fees collected by manager/parent reps
Time Slots for Skills Session- starts Sept 17th and following Mondays
5pm – I/P
6pm- Novice and Atom
7pm – Peewee and Above
Goalie skills update- the Instructor is going to come to the team practise to work with the individuals
Scott- Director of Coaching
Coaching applications are closed with only 1 team needing interviews. The interviews will be held prior to the next Executive meeting, Aug 21, then can be voted on. (see table above for list of names)
Rick- Director of Sponsorship
Greenlane meeting is Sept 25th – Rick to attend
Develop sponsorship packages with different amounts of donation
Reach out to parents for leads for Sponsors
Target local vendors with cross marketing opportunities (Sailors Day at Mackies In Spetember)
Papa Joes
Alex- Treasurer
Motion to approve the Treasurer report- Shane, second by Kelly – all in favour, carried
Margaret- Director of Local League
Current LMLL Motion – To standardize game times.
This motion must be withdrawn or pushed at the next meeting.
The concern is when the curfew is used to the advantage of the home team. In some cases the curfew was imposed even when there was no one on the ice after the game.
Christy- Director of Fundraising:
Heather- Director of Tournaments and Events:
Need to get the Atom Tournament on the website – weekend of November 24th
Would like to get 8 teams registered
Hockey Day in Canada events – Feb 9th
Shane- Director of OMHA and Shamrock
London Alliance wants to join our league play but not willing to pay gate fees. They are looking for 10 games total (Atom and Peewee)
Electronic game sheet on IPAD app. Centres would have to purchase their own iPad
Shane will request at the next meeting for the Novice rep to be moved up to upper loop
New Business:
Ice times and Jr Sailors
Request to trade Saturdays for Fridays
Dates to Trade – Sept 29th, Oct 13th, Nov 3rd, Dec 1st, Dec 29th, Jan 12th
Requested Dates - Sept 28th, Oct 5th, Oct 19th, Oct 26th, Nov 9th, Nov 16th and Nov 23rd
We are willing to trade all but Sept 28th.
Margaret to reach out with that information to Dale Howard
Executive Update:
Joseph Hentz approved as new I/P Director -Kelly to reach out to him to give details of the next meeting and getting him added to the Executive email list and getting Kevin Barendregt to help with any information he may initially need for this role.
Game Day operations
Discussions around the team running the gate – this would need to be managed by the manager and gate would be staffed by a parent from the team
Kelly to reach out to Cindy for the names of people that she used last year.
Alex to provide payment detail for time keeper and gate role.
Review the possibility of gate punch cards
Aug 21 Next Executive Meeting
Sept 10 First Ice
Sept 17 First Skills Session
Nov 24 Atom Tournamnet
Feb 9 Hockey Day in Canada
??? Jersey Clean up Day
Motion to Adjourn 8:50pm- Shane and Kelly second, all in favour,