Date: Feb 18, 2020 @Pierside Pub 6:30pm
Motion to begin: Jean, Greg second
Attendees: Alex Russell, Farley See, Jean Devine, Shelley Boyes, Steve Van Duynhoven, Greg Graham, Rick Lalonde, Janet Wilson
Regrets: Kelly Savage, Scott Bates, Margaret Powell, Craig Sim, Ryan Adams, Joe Hentz;
Approval of Past Minutes- January minutes attached
Motion to accept Jan 2020 minutes: Shelley second Farley
Registrar Report: nothing to report
Directors Notes:
Director of Local League: Margaret Powell
OMHA Report:
- Debbie is still the contact
- Rosters should be in – Feb 1st is when the rosters are officially locked
- Travel permits – just send Debbie a message if it is last minute
· Playoff Round 1 (Jan 29th – Feb 24th)
o Rule : if possible two teams from the same centre should not play each other in the first round. This resulted in the Port teams getting flip flopped in Atom and Midget
o If the two teams in the finals – you can start scheduling games starting Feb 14th.
o Home advantage is listed as the home team in the first game of the series.
o Consolation round for Atom, Peewee, Bantam, not for Midget
- Winners of A series will go on to Leamington April 3-5: We have 1 team currently playing in an A series – Midget Black / Larry’s team
· Playoff round 2 – could start any time after Feb 14th once the teams are known
· Regional Final
o There is a cost for a team to attend $200-300
· Hats will be presented to LMLL Pool Champions
Standard of Play – monitoring how are the Standard of Play rules being received by players and Coaches
- 20 players that need to have suspensions issued to them for physical fouls
o Get short list from Margaret
- 1 player who has the suspension 8 minutes * 3 – in the course of the season
- 24 minutes
o There has only been one – Pt Edward, Don went to see the first game back
- Adjusted the standard of play rule. 16 minutes will now be a 1 games suspension (not 3). 24 minutes will be an indefinite suspension with a meeting with the player, parents, coach and LMLL rep.
- Adjusted the 8 minute penalty. 3 instances of that GE101 will result in a 1 game suspension (not 3)
- Feedback from the association:
o Kids distracted by counting penalty minutes
o Need to simplify the process of tracking
o Make it easy for the coach to track with in the game
o Stick infractions should be as important as personal fouls
Novice Playoff Local League tournament format – update
· Dorchester will host – they have 21 hours of ice – March 27-29th
· Each team will be guaranteed 2 games
· No travel permits will be required
· Cost will be $200-300 / team
Other Items
· Thamesford Rep approached me to say he had heard from their coaches that they accused our Midget team of swapping players between teams. He was a little skeptical about their claim, but wanted to let me know.
· Raised the concerns about one division being stronger than the other, and that resulted in our teams in Pool A not winning a game in the regular season. We all agree it is very difficult to set up for “fair” seeding.
· Question raised to Mt Brydges about their tiering of teams as they have one team at the top and two at the bottom in Atom and Peewee levels. Following up with the president for an explanation. This was brought up last year as well. Potential driver could be the new play off format.
Director of Coaching: Craig Sim
· Has had to talk to one of the coaches where kids are not wearing neck guards and mouth guards
· Coaches should be wearing appropriate equipment during practices as well
Director of Tournament and Events: Shelley Boyes
· HDIC recap and plan for next year
o Very successful, but pizza did not get delivered so they we will be getting for reimbursements
o $380 was earned from yard sale and donations
o $1000 from Lions Club
o Pancake and Sausages were a hit
o Plan for next year, date was not good, shouldn’t be during playoffs as scheduling was difficult
· Discussion regarding a volunteer fee or a New Volunteer program
o Hockey Mom’s is no longer active
o Beer shed has been giving to specific teams to clear out and use money as need
o Motion forward at the AGM: Volunteer fee of $100 per family, for 4 hours of work
· Review of social events for 2020-2021
· Social media review
o Got email from London Knights, emailed Christy to put in on the website, Rick did this and Shelley has access now, Thanks to Rick to doing it
o Look into getting the tournament module, understand what the cost might be. Could be used for the Atom tournament and Broomball
· Year end celebration
o Look into budget for year end celebration
o Suggested $300 per team.
o E- motion was submitted and passed to provide $300 to each team for a year end celebration
o All teams have stated they are coming back
o Friday Start at 8am
o Ice and room have been booked, insurance obtained through municipality
o Greg to order liquor and pick up on Thursday
o Shelly to send updates
Director of Development: Ryan Adams
· Look to find someone that would support goalies on the ice
· Ryan Roke also does power skating, he may provide support for this
· Good feedback with Ellis program
Director of Sponsorship: Rick Lalonde
· Rick is going to grind down the welds, repainting them or Greg
· Need a set up and training policy
o Include set up, and safety requirements
o Need the municipality requirements
· Follow up with Margaret regarding the sponsorship sheets
o Confirm who has yearly sponsorship
Director of Initiation Program: Joe Hentz
· For each year of IP on what should be accepted
o Have goalies for the kids
o In a lot of centres IP may be overlooked, but we want to make sure that kids develop and have fun
o We tiered the teams with like skills
o Need to know that teams are in flux
Treasurer Report: Jean Devine
· Change to Quickenroll
o They are moving operations to the US and we need to find another provider
· Update on tournament reimbursements
· Proposal on tournament fee handling for 2020-2021 season
o Coaches and managers will pay for the tournaments and then be reimbursed by the board
o A cheque can be provided by the treasurer in advance of payment but proof of payment to the association/tournament must be provided as evidence
o Team reimbursement of the forwarded funds will remain as is
· Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report, Shelley and Alex as second
OMHA and Shamrock Representative: Steve Van Duynhoven
· More open discussion regarding the atom pathway implementation. More questions than answers and OMHA doesn't have anything more than what was released. The biggest confusion is over start date for some centers but no change over last discussion.
· After the "A" programming information OMHA is trying to gauge interest. A couple of centers have contacted OMHA they're asking centers to contact Dean simply to see what type of interest is out there. Doesn't really affect PSMHA unless a few more centers amalgamate.
· Asked if teams were still having issues with visiting alliance teams not paying the gate. If so what centers?
Shamrock AGM is April 14th.
· For Allstar game in St. Mary’s. Coach from top teams and 3 goalies on each side from top 3 teams.
· Novice year end play off tournament will run Friday March 27th-Sunday 29th. 2 Divisions Top 10 and bottom 10 teams. Because of timing and late season results the schedule will be made 1-2 weeks before the tournament. Games will take place in Lambeth and Strathroy.
· Atom playoffs to be top 6/bottom 6 format. Port to Start against Strathroy in an a/b pool series. Winner to A and Loser to B
Director of Equipment: Greg Graham
· AtoMc Jerseys are ordered, want to know if the socks should be reordered
o Yes reorder socks if needed
Director of Fundraising: Farley See
· Not updates
1. AGM open positions. I will post on the arena bulletin board as well as issue a social media post regarding the available positions. I need any motions submitted by Mar 23 and then the agenda and previous AGM minutes will be posted online 14 days in advance, Apr 7th.
Please let me know if these are the only ones available:
· President – Alex Russell interested, in returning
· Director of LL
· Director of Shamrock
· Treasurer – Jean Devine, interested in returning
· Secretary
· Director of Program Development
· Director of Initiation Program
· Director of Sponsorship – Rick Lalonde, interested in returning
· Director of Equipment – Greg Graham, interested in returning
· Director of Fundraising
· Directors at Large (2)
2. Jerseys
· The new jerseys in use by one of the Midget and Bantam teams look good
· The condition of some of the other jerseys is poor
· Consider replacing jerseys with new style
· Reviewed finances and we could accommodate but decision will be made at a later date
i. Can review if a focused fundraising effort can offset the cost
3. Atom rep Situation (any questions or concerns)
· No questions or concerns
4. Novice Reffing (Jean)
· Need to talk to Mike Smith about what is required from Novice requirements, rules need to be clear for the refs
· Spoke with Mike Smith, his understanding is that Novice should be refereed the same way as older age groups, ask that if this is an issue next year to bring it up earlier so that the Referee in Chief can send a notice to the referees
5. Planning for next season
· More to come
6. Need a cheque for $350 for the Port Stanley Food Bank from the Christmas Collection. Jean - if you can get this to me I will take some players to drop it at the church.
· The cheque was already issued and dropped off, Jean did not realise some players were going to take it down
7. $270 + approx. 100 or so in change collected from Hockey Day in Canada donations. Lynn to deposit.
8. We had a player in the Atom Rep game who came off the ice and was injured his shoulder. I couldn't find an ice pack in the equipment room and the office said they didn't have one. Can we leave an ice pack with the Gate crew in the gate box? (Margaret)
· Already done
9. What is required for the coaches for next season - we should put a plan together to make sure we are able to get everyone trained up. I had planned to follow up in my LMLL meeting if we don't know. (Margaret)
· New requirements have not come out. Looking to get a train the training. Port would like to host. Pending more information, Follow up for next meeting
10. Changes to PSMHA policies / procedures: (Margaret)
· Adding a procedure for when a team is added after the start of the season. - "In the case where PSMHA opts to enter a late entry team, existing teams will be broken down. Coaches will be selected and the teams will be rebuilt in an attempt to ensure fair numbers and level skill. Evaluation skates are permitted if required."
· 2. Wording on fair play, and improvement to the contradictions in our current policies. Include language on what fair play is, and code of conduct, parent rep description
· Discuss how sponsorships should work
11. Sponsor bars on Jersey's - can someone let me know when the Optimist one's go on - they requested a team picture with the sponsorship bars on the jerseys. What is our process for getting this to happen? (Margaret)
· Greg is working on this. Going forward we will have bars on most jerseys, need to work on this prior to the season starts trouble coordinating with coaches to get jerseys. Has one sponsor lined up for Sept, that person is buying the business and then will get them on before the season. We are getting close to having sponsors on most of the teams; about 75%. Ideally we want bars on before the start of the season, most sponsors have signed up for multiple seasons. Normally we try to get this up ASAP.
Motion to adjourn: Greg & Rick seconded
Important Dates
February 25
LLML Playoff round 2 (Feb 26 -Mar 31)
Mar 24 – Note change of date
Executive meeting
Mar 23
Amendments and motions for AGM due date
Mar 27-29
Novice rep & LL playoff tournaments
Apr 7
AGM agenda posted online & previous minutes for review
April 10-12 2020
Apr 14
Shamrock All Star game in St. Mary’s
Apr 21
AGM – 6:30 pm at arena