June 2017 (Port Stanley Minor Hockey)

PrintJune 2017


June 19th, 2017 meeting 6:15 p.m. Roadhouse St Thomas

Start time 6:26pm

Attendance:  Karen, Bob, Alex, Norm, Todd, SCott, Ryan, Kevin, Luke, Candice late Rob

Approval of Past Minutes Karen and Bob second all in favour

OMHA/Shamrock Report –Luke  No Shamrock meeting in June so nothing to report.  AGM OMHA wording changes, changes into ages 6 and under will be half ice.  Not clear if they can AP to novice.(note:  Glen Silver clarified that they can be AP’d to full ice TYKE in an email )  Back fill NRP AAA/AA/A tryouts after minor aged peewee as long  but must still tryout for AE. May not help as much as earlier thought.  Discussions that crossice maybe extended to 7 year olds or novice in future.  Our organization  already has the equipment    are in good shape.  No referees to be used but the coaches will referee.

LMLL Report – Bob-  LMLL back to a 20 game format ( 10 home and 10 away) and 6 point playoffs again…consolation final for all levels below midget.  All guaranteed two rounds of playoffs.  Reseeding  will happen after 6 games for all divisions.  Bob motioned three officials for midget in playoffs-approved.  . Eliminating medals next season at a savings of $7000 dollars, moving to a team/league trophy(not kept by center).  Trying to set up a statistician as a paid position.  We were only center with 7 year olds in tyke and not novice.  IP program and what will happen to be discussed at the next LLML meeting.  Rules from OMHA have not been clear with regards to tyke.  LMLL wants to be informed ASAP if rep team is folding.

Minutes from LLML AGM (as provided-no corrections)

Information from Hockey Canada going towards the OMHA AGM. After this weekend, more clarity will be provided. After meeting, brochures will be distributed.

•Every volunteer will need to take neutral gender training before any begging roosters.  It is an hour and half, free online tutorial. 

•Hockey Canada has mandated cross ice initiation programs.  Could potentially have 3 games happening on one ice pad.  Many questions still to be answered.  Questions about costs of boards, referring, etc.  All for the skill development of young players.

•All players 4 years and younger can only be rostered in preschool rooster with no affiliation with centre.

•All 5 & 6 year old cannot affiliate to play Tyke. 

 Tyke Level

•Every year, this group has had issues.  

LMLL is one of few leagues that carry a tyke level. Tyke level is supposed to be a developmental stage and this league spends a majority of this time discussing, scheduling and explaining this group.  

Decision pertaining to Tyke Level deferred until LMLL September Meeting. 

2017-2018 Season

•Motion by Joe Arts, back to 20 game regular season, 6 point first and second round then 6 point constellation round with exception of Midget. 

Seconded by Mount Brydges

Seven for, five against.  Motion carried.

 •Motion by Lambton Shores to scrap medals, getting instead team trophy.  Seconded by Aylmer.

Twelve for, One against, motioned carried.

•Motion by Lambeth for LMLL to get a paid scheduler for $4000 or less. Seconded by Mount Brydges.  

Seven for, Six against, motioned carried.

•Motion to Section 1.3- Each Member Centre must entered a team in a competitive league division before a team from that same division will be allowed to enter the LMLL.  The LMLL board will annually review and approve exceptions.  Change to - Section 1.3- Each Member Centre inform LMLL if they don't have a team in a competitive league division for Smarter Scheduling.

by North Middlesex, seconded Belmont.

 •Motion for a mandatory three man referee system for Bantam and Midget playoffs by Port Stanley.  Seconded by Strathroy. 

Ten for, Two against, motioned carried.

 •Motion to reseed entire league after 6 games by Ilderton, seconded by Belmont. 

Twelve for, One against.


IP Program Report- Kevin  Not much else to report awaiting the OMHA decision.  Coaching has some people asking to be involved.

Financial Report- Alex  little less in bank than this time last year.  Has received 2 outstanding tournament monies from last season.  Currently in the process of closing the RBC account. 

Registration Report-Candice Registration numbers are down

Atom 14 players registered + 1 goalie  8 said yes to rep (+1 goalie) and 2 said yes to rep but are not inbounds
Bantam 16 players registered + 1 goalie 7 said yes (no goalie) to rep and 1 said yes to rep but is not inbounds

20 kids are registered for SR and JR ip

Juvenile 3 are registered

Midget 27 players are registered + 2goalies 12 yes to rep (+2 goalies) midget NRP and JR tryouts still

Novice 14 players are registered +2 goalies  10 yes to rep (+1 goalie)

Peewee 21 registered players + 3 goalies 10 yes to rep (+1 goalie +1 outbound who said yes)

Last season this time we had a total of 162 registrants versus this year 124 (we are down 38 kids in comparison to last season this time)  Atom had 25, bantam 29, IP 24, juvenile 4, midget 36, novice 18, peewee 26 (all including goalies).


All coaching staff needs criminal records check and need to be added to HCR profiles.

Coaching Report-Doug Howie resigned via email Friday June 2nd 2017 Deadline for coaching applications July 1st 2017  forwarded the names of 7 candidates who applied to Karen.  Need to select a committee to select coaches.  Candice asked why can’t board know who applies?  6 for development 3 for atom, 2 bantams,  2 for peewee,  Stan would do any  level novice to juvenile.

Bob nominates Scott Bate(director at large) to take on Coaching Director position.  Unanimous.  The position of director at large will be posted on the website for application.

Equipment Report-Norm  14 jerseys should be replaced. He recommends that a set white jerseys for midget needs to be replaced as they are in poor condition.  2 jersey bags are needed.  One set of atom jerseys are missing.  Dehumidifier was not working when last checked the equipment room.  Discussion if it is possible to install an industrial dehumidification unit (Paul Ronanye?) to save our jerseys from getting moldy with too much humidity?  Not sure what the board wants to do about socks this season.  We can discuss this at a future meeting.  Matt to copy Norm on Timbit jerseys email requests to Tim Horton's rep.   Kevin  B requested that we obtain a smaller set of goalie gear for the JR IP’s.

Motion by Norm to order 14 replacement jerseys and a white set of midget jerseys and 2 jersey bags.  Second by Luke All in favour. 

Program Development-Rob Trying to get the JR C players to help with the skills.  He was upset goalies did not show up for all the clinics last season.  Will hold skills earlier in the season into early November.  Terry Wickham vs future pro vs others.  He feels Terry Wickham is the best choice and only wants 4 goalies on the ice surface for a 50 minute session.  It was asked how we could accommodate all goalies with such small numbers on the ice at time as we may have more than 8 teams in the organization and only 2 hours of time has been allocated for the goalies on Fridays.   He stated that all Coaches should be involved with skills and learn their expert techniques. Currently there is no local coaching clinic available and it was suggested we try and get a Coach2 clinic this fall.  Coach evaluator position still no one from OMHA to run a clinic to implement this in our organization. 

Motion Bob second by Norm accept development as presented in previous proposal from PhD...all in favour. (Norm left meeting 8:12pm)

Fundraising Report- Amy nothing to report not here

Sponsorship Report- Todd handed out 3000 flyers went to first and or only child in family.   Banners impressions same amount ($350 $200 replacement costs) instead of jersey sponsors same cost as Ken jones signs.  Would like to get it done and support local business is also looking for a 3rd quote.  Sponsorship packages need to be posted on the website.

Special Events/Tournaments-Heather no report not here


New Coaching Director/Coaching committee needed for next season

New coaching director-Scott Bate

Coaching committee:  Scott Bate, Rob Fellows, Bob Hepburn and Luke Cummings, Ryan Adams and  Kevin Barendregt.

Is the question asked if there has been a disciplinary issue in the past or removed from a team in the past?

Establish  a New Disciplinary Committee  :Luke Cummings, Bob Hepburn, Candice Wakulich, Karen Carroll Todd would be a consultant from afar.

Establish a committee to discuss Amalgamation or alternative options for PSMHA Rep programming

We need to establish a plan to present to the members.  What are our options?  What are the viable options?  Really three choices 1) stay as we are 2) LL only 3) amalgamation in some capacity with another center (peripheral centers/vs St. Thomas).    PSMHA Planning Committee   Luke Scott Ryan Rob, Candice, Kevin, Alex (chair) Bob,  Karen.  No meeting time or place set.

What are the guidelines for the committee?  It was stated that if you don’t have partners?  How can you amalgamate?

Ice Schedule Master Plan  Not much time during the week available   Skills until Nov 13th Mondays (excluding thanksgiving).  Alex proposes SR IP get a practice on Wednesday 5-6  to accommodate lost ice time on Mondays to skills.  Need to know what teams we have and submit rep times for Shamrock scheduling.  It was recommended that we were going to try to see if we can get 30 minutes of time on Wednesday from the Old Timers league to allow us to add a game in this time slot.

School Flyer see discussion above   creation and distribution before the end of the school year –Todd handed out 3000 flyers to local schools

Establish practice policies after out of playoffs (as per AGM-Palmer motion)  Current policy is after out of playoffs only get next scheduled practice.  Area on website to announce unused ice time—can we utilize this? 

Motion   Alex  Todd second   available ice time will be posted on the website and  after the regular season priority will be given to those teams still participating in playoff, requests will be awarded on a first come first serve basis by contacting the ice scheduler.  All in favour.

Body Checking Clinic  needs to be scheduled   First Saturday September the 16th need to rent the room upstairs for the in class portion.  Rob Fellows to look into this ??

Head trainer   Matt Moyes ––Jim Ford agreed to take on the role with Matt Moyes assistance.    Motion by Matt to accept Jim Ford as the Head Trainer for 2017-18 season.  Second Alex  all in favour.

Send information for incorporation to Luke. Including full legal name and address.

Meeting adjourned 10:05pm.