PSMHA Meeting Minutes
December 19, 2017 6:38 pm start time. Port Stanley Legion
Attendance: Kevin, Christine, Ryan, Craig, Scott, Luke, Karen, Candice, Bob, Alex, Todd Sawyer, Brian Rieger
Regrets: Heather, Shane, and Rob
Parent Team Rep Reports
JR IP- practicing-no games scheduled yet-roster issues and parents need to take RIS
SR IP-has had exhibition games versus Lambeth(strong teams) and Dorchester (even play), cycling through goalies with new equipment, tournament in Glencoe in Jan, 10 game exhibition schedule arranged, most of the kids are going to the Knights jamboree, looking for a tournament/jamboree to go to in March
Novice Rep-doing fine-competitive, 19-8-1 record, playoffs to start after weekend
Novice LL-Dodge Caravan approval and doing well- 3rd in top division of LMLL
Atom LL1- no rep present
Atom LL2- no rep present
Peewee LL1- top division of league in lower ½ 1 tie and all losses close scores, going to an outdoor tournament in Buffalo, did OK in Mooretown tournament, things are going well
Peewee LL2- in Aylmer tournament Dec 28th and Tillsonburg in March
Bantam LL1- 2-2-2 in seeding - B division of league now and has 8 straight wins, went to the finals in Mooretown going to Columbus Ohio and will likely play an exhibition game there.
Bantam LL2- A division, lost in the final of the tournament 4-2 in Dorchester –played with 9 skaters playing well and going to Millbrook tournament at end of Jan
Midget LL1- doing alright
Midget LL2- teenage angst- seem to be doing ok, in B division, was in a tournament in Hespeler and had fun
Reps were reminded that at least one but 2 team officials should be in the change room (risk management)
Approval of Past Minutes Motion-Alex to accept the minutes- Second- Scott- all in favour
Appeal of AP fees – Todd Sawyer and Brian Rieger – want the 2017-18 AP fee waived or modified. Rationale: Bantam has limited numbers and AP vital to existence- they would forfeit without AP’s, no rep, no AE and no select was provided for peewee kids. They want the AP fee eliminated because there is a lack of options, want the AP fees permanently waived unless the division is offered a rep or select team
OMHA/Shamrock Report –Luke
Team officials there should be 2 in change room.
X-Ice- 2018-19 all TYKE to be Cross ice in 2019-2020 novice will also be cross ice as per Hockey Canada
Jan 2- play down meeting OMHA play downs in Strathroy- Gemini
No games can start before 6:15 pm
All-star games still needs hosting centers
LMLL Report – Bob
No scheduler has been hired for LMLL
Novice to Bantam 2 rounds of playoffs guaranteed midget only one
One player was moved from Peewee2 LL (14+1) to Bantam LL1( 10+ 1) parents made request directly to LL director-Bantam coach was unaware until change happened- better communication is needed.
LMLL wants to know if we keep the gate fees estimated we make $500 per week –would increase player fee if we eliminated.
With minimum wage going up—it will increase cost to gate keeper/timekeeper
IP Program Report- Kevin
See info in SR IP and JR IP team reports
Motion -Candice to reduce fee for a JR IP child starting hockey Jan 6th 2018 to $150 from $300 Second Scott ALL in favour
Financial Report- Alex
Greenlane cheque for $11,500
Reimbursements coming in from teams for tournaments
Not a lot of big expenses left for the season; estimate that $2000 will be remaining at the end of the season.
Alex does not remember a deposit from the broomball tournament from last year- will contact Alana.
Registration Report-Candice -nothing to report
Coaching Report- Scott-nothing to report
Equipment Report-Craig
Looking into getting the door code changed
Stone sharpeners in trainer kits not standing up-breaking
Scotiabank crests can be ironed onto the Timbit jerseys for their sponsorship
Program Development-Rob-nothing to report-absent
Fundraising Report-Christy
Second round of pepperettes just finished and $10,000 in orders done so far in the association-if requested she would do a third round
Sponsorship Report- position still vacant
Special Events/Tournaments-Heather-nothing to report-absent
Preservation of PSMHA committee report -nothing to report
Rules and Regulations need to be discussed at the next meeting
AP fees- a parent is filing an appeal regarding the increase in AP fees from last season
Motion-Luke to waive AP fees for the 2017-18 season –Second Craig – Vote 5 for and 4 against – 1 abstained – PASSED—two paid AP fees need to be refunded
AGM topics – need to be posted to website soon- 30 days noticed required to post any discussions-March 16-2018. Positions available need to be posted. Date is APRIL 17-2018-Arena needs to be booked for meeting
REP Hockey Debate: It was proposed that we send out a survey to all players parent-one vote per player-handed out by coaches with background information regarding REP hockey in Port and get an idea what the membership would like to happen. Alex is to prepare a document discussing the Rep debate in Port this will be distributed to all players (via the coaches) with a specific due date for return for assessment. Should we be having a special meeting? - Needs 30 days’ notice before it can happen but we need to see the survey results first to decide whether it is needed or not.
HOCKEY DAY IN CANADA-no report from Heather The ice was booked off for all teams..most have away games that day. No information from Hockey Mom’s as to their involvement this year. Room upstairs is booked from 10-3pm. A novice rep game can be booked (playdowns) otherwise practices. A JRC game is scheduled.
Motion to adjourn meeting Bob- Second by Scott All in favour –Adjourned at 9:15pm