Great news! Central Elgin has updated the screening tool to make it easier for people to complete the screening tool before arriving at the arena. I have attached a QR scan code and web link for your convenience.
Online Screening
For those working the screening table – please note that every person who enters needs to show their own approval email and you are looking for the green checkmark and that the date is the current date.
When you take temperatures, you do not need to record them unless they are over the warning level of 37.8C (100.4)F.
The New Online Screening tool can be under the RETURN TO PLAY tab or found at the link below:
Hard copy screening forms are still accepted for those who do not have the ability to print the pass or show it on their phone.
We also ask that you do not bunch up in the entrance Foyer, you can come in to complete paper copies, but if you have the electronic version you can wait in your vehicle until the doors open. When they open, line up single file and have your email and temperature verified.
Will minors who are dropped off be able to show their email?
Do families that have multiple participants show emails for each individual?
Do participants that access the arena for multiple ice times need to do a new one each time they enter?
No, but they will need to do a new one each calendar day.
What do I do if I get a red X?
Please do not come to the arena, follow the COVID protocols outlined below and contact the Health Unit for further direction.
If I receive a red X, are all members of a household prohibited from attending hockey?
Yes, you must follow the COVID protocol outline below.
Is this online form active now?
Yes, we hope to transition the majority of our participants to the online form over the next couple of weeks.
COVID Reminders
As cases continue to rise in our health unit, creep closer to our community and enter our feeder schools it is important that we exercise proper COVID behavior.
Wear a mask, maintain 2 M distance from others, wash your hands often.
If you or anyone in your household exhibits COVID like symptoms;
· Stay away from the arena.
· Email [email protected] with the subject Player Name – COVID Symptoms
· Let your child’s coach(es) know that you will be away.
· Call the COVID assessment center at 519-631-2020 x 6210 to book a COVID test (NOTE you can do this without seeing a physician). This centre only does swabs, if you think your child needs a medical assessment, contact a doctor or nurse practitioner, or if their symptoms are severe go to the ER.
· After having a negative test AND when symptoms have been resolved for 24 hours, email [email protected] with the subject Player Name – Negative COVID test with a copy of the negative test result. You can attend the next scheduled ice time.
· If someone tests positive, they will be contacted directly by public health who will provide further direction (ie if teams need to quarantine, be tested…)
Be safe,
Alex Russell
President, PSMHA