Novice Shamrock Team Info, News, Novice Rep, 2018-2019 (Port Stanley Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2018-2019 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 05, 2018 | webmaster | 976 views
Novice Shamrock Team Info
The coaching staff is very excited for the upcoming season. Should your child be chosen for the team, this article will contain important information. If there are any further questions, please feel free to contact the coaching staff...continue reading

● Monday, Sept. 10 - 5pm-6pm @ Port Stanley Arena
● Wednesday, Sept. 12 - 5pm-6pm, Exhibition Game vs St. Thomas @ Port Stanley Arena
● Friday, Sept. 14 - 5pm-6pm @ Port Stanley Arena
● First team practice is Saturday, Sept. 15 - 10am-12pm
● Wednesday, Sept. 19 - 6pm, Exhibition Game vs Aylmer @ Port Stanley Arena
● Friday, Sept. 21 - Time TBD, Exhibition Game vs Aylmer @ East Elgin Community Complex

Head Coach Ryan Adams [email protected]
Assistant Coach & Trainer Scott Bate [email protected]

We will be playing in the Shamrock League and will play 20 games. The current game schedule is located on the PSMHA website. We have also entered into the following tournaments:
● Simcoe - Oct.19-21
● Thorold - Nov. 9-11
● Parkhill Silver Stick - Dec. 28-30
We will also be participating in the OMHA Playdowns and the Shamrock League playoffs. Our typical home game ice time will be Saturdays at 12:30pm at the Port Stanley Arena. We also have skills sessions running Mondays from 6:10pm-7:10pm, starting on Sept. 17 and running for 10 weeks (excluding Thanksgiving). Team practices will be held every Wednesday at 5pm. Additional practices will be added as the season progresses. These will be added on the PSMHA website.


Parents are required to be present at the Sept. 17th skills session to sign a card for their child. At this time, they will also need to submit a cheque for $275 to be used for team/tournament fees and skills sessions. The skills sessions will be provided by “Ellis Hockey Detail.”

➔ In order for the team to properly prepare we would ask that players arrive at the rink 45 minutes prior to games and 30 minutes prior to practice. We would ask that players be dressed and ready to go 5 minutes prior to taking the ice.
➔ Coaches would ask that parents stay out of the dressing room in the last 5 minutes before games and practices, as well as the first 5 minutes after games and practices. This way coaches can directly address the players.
➔ Playing time and positions are not up for discussion during practices or games. Coaching staff can be approached through email to discuss. Please allow a 24 hour period to pass before contacting the coach.
➔ Playing time is earned based on effort, commitment and overall performance. Playing time may not be equal or fair. Coaches will do what they see fit to put the team in the best position.
➔ Extra training (i.e. powerskating, additional skills development) is encouraged on an individual basis.

● We are a team! The more they bond as a team, the more they will perform as a team
● Please encourage your kids to be a good teammate and be encouraging and supportive to others.
● Our team will have a strict “Hands Off” and no harassment policy. Should any bullying or harassment be brought to the attention of the coaching staff, a parent meeting will be arranged with possible consequences.
What We Expect From Your Child
● Play hard and fair ● Respect teammates and opponents
● Respect the facility and respect the game What We Expect From The Parents
● Always be encouraging and positive
● Be supportive of your child, the team, the coach, our opponents and the officials
● Refrain from negative communication with coaches and officials
What You Can Expect From The Coaching Staff
● We will be leaders and positive role models
● We will reward effort, commitment and performance
● We will teach and advance skill and knowledge
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