Nov 10, 2012 | hgeurts | 347 views
Sailors drop two this past week end
Atom #1 was in tough this past week end as we took on the top two teams in the standings
Despite some solid play, Atom #1 gave up some early goals in both games but just couldn't get the momentum to swing the other way. Atom #1 lost 3-0 to Thamesford on Saturday and went on to lose 9-2 to Aylmer on Sunday.
The guys never gave up and the games were closer than the scores would suggest. The sailors were in the thamesford game right to the end and despite getting bumped around pretty well we kept coming. Jackson was solid in net
For the Aylmer game, we decided to be gracious hosts and give them a 3-0 lead after 2 minutes. After that, we got it together and the play went back and forth. Aylmer has a sniper that was responsible for 6 of their goals and he made short work of the corners over Jacksons shoulders. Matthew and Evan G. got the Port Goals.