December 2020 (Port Stanley Minor Hockey)

PrintDecember 2020

Date:         December 15, 2020

Attendees:   Alex Russell, Isabelle Marchand, Greg Graham, Shelley Boyes, Margaret Powell, Rick Lalonde, Joe Hentz, Jean Devine, Stephanie Haynes, Steve Van Duyhoven, Mark Vergeer, Amber Brooks,  Janet Wilson and Jeremy Rouse


Motion to begin meeting:  Shelley and Alex seconded by @  7:00 pm

Motion to End Meeting:  Jean and seconded by Shelley @ 8:59  pm

Motion to approve November minutes:     Jean  and seconded by  Alex, All in Favor

Registrar Report: Nothing Submitted

Topics of Discussion:


Directors Notes:

President- Alex Russell

As I talk with other associations I continue to be proud of the season we have been able to offer.  Our safety protocols, membership adherence to them, the quality of our skills, scrimmages and practices...our kids are having fun and developing.  I think it is important that we have a plan for if/when we go to red and I'm in no hurry to introduce additional associations at this time.  Key item - if we go to red, max 10 players on the ice at a time, 5 coaches (regardless of the number of coaches, one must be a trainer) and our skills/drills must include a focus on ensuring distancing.      

VP and Director of Local League- Isabelle Marchand

-Managing crowds at the door with the online screening vs paper screening:  People need to be patient and remember this is for everyone to be able to play safely and form a line 

Handling non compliant parents its been many months everyone should know the rules by now

People are inquiring about our rates vs other centres can we figure out the cost per player so we have something to show or explain to those asking why our rates are what they are? Jean has made up some break downs  


Director of Coaching- Greg Graham

NEED Trainer Kit at the door


Need to know what jerseys and socks are in Gregs possession, if help is needed please reach out so we can get this taken care of as soon as possible


Director of Tournament and Events- Shelley Boyes

Santa at the rink-December 19th

-We will be excepting donations for the Port Stanley food bank. "A Mitten Drive" KCPS is not doing their normal donation drive so they are happy we are doing something to support them  

The plan was approved by PH, as long as we don't go in the grey area by then. It is approved for both orange and red zones.

"Hockey Day In Canada"- TBD


"Beer Shed"-Thank you to Jeremy, Isabelle and Margaret for completing November. 

Next up:


-Shelley -Mark-Joe


Director of Development- Margaret Powell       

 Skills Update  

 - Skills end mid Dec - Last day of 10 session skills would be Wednesday Dec 9  and Monday Dec 14 (Started Oct 5th)  

- Ellis is available to run more skills for us. He is definitely willing to do additional session and can work with our Budget, even potentially alternating weeks. Do we have any interest in this?  

- Feedback on U8s was their any change / improvement in your sessions?  For those watching at the older ages do we feel there was value to the 2 instructors?

- Other ideas - Shooting clinic opportunities,  Virtual dryland training   


- We have been playing with in Tiers - games have been competitive at the Atom and Peewee levels. 

- Parents / Exec have been running the clock

- There has been issues at the Atom level with parents / coaches complaining about the reffing. We are investigating the possibility of getting someone other than the coaches to ref.  I reached out to Mike Smith he said he hasn't had any requests yet, but wasn't sure if we were allowed to go with just one ref, or whether we required to to comply tot he OMHA rules for refs. Isabelle to follow up in the LMLL meeting.

Equipment Room Update

Inline image

Director of Sponsorship- Rick Lalonde

-Green lane Update – Greenlane approved for 25000.00 half now the rest after Jan 15 if we have government approval to keep going.  Going to be discussing with Greenlane as we have never completed skills after Dec in the past and the funds goes towards that each year.

-the new online form is a good idea however it would be better if you could do it for parent and player in the same entry. You would only need to show one email instead of two-  Township designed website so we will follow their request

Director of I/P- Joe Hentz


TREASURER - Jean Devine 

Financial reports in order Motion to approve Margaret and Alex seconded and all in favor

VP and Director of OMHA and Shamrock Representative- Steve Van Duyhoven           

Shamrock meeting was Dec 14 will update us

Director of Communications-Stephanie Haynes

I appreciate all the help I have received from Rick in regards to learning the website.

I do ask if you need something submitted that I am not always able to complete it right away due to work etc. But will do my very best to get it completed as soon as I can.

For meetings I would really appreciate items sent in ahead of time so that I am not having to add so many items the day of the meeting as I am afraid I will miss items

Director of Equipment - Janet Wilson


Director of Fundraising- Amber Brooks    

We sold 144 masks placed order for 150 believe that the extras have possibly been sold already.

Profit of $444.00

Director at Large-  Jeremy Rouse

Has no updates for this meeting

Director at Large-  Mark Vergeer


Important Dates



Next meeting

January 26,2021 ZOOM



Santa at the rink

Dec 19, 2020 8:00am to 3:30pm