Jan 04, 2022 | r.lalonde | 579 views
UPDATE : Covid Restrictions.
I had hoped to be sending out a last call for volunteers for our tournament, but as I’m sure most of you have heard we will be entering a 21 day pause starting Wednesday January 5, ending Wednesday January 26th.....
Over the next few weeks we will be working on firming up our plan to resume the season where we left off. Obviously what this will look like is largely depend upon what the restrictions are when we resume and my crystal ball is still a little fuzzy, but I see 2 main possibilities;
Extend the pauseResume with limited capacity and entrance requirements (similar to what we had when we shut down). I see opening with limited on ice participation like we had last year being a distant 3rd option.
It is far too early to discuss refunds or the end of the season, but if the closure drags or resumes with enhanced restrictions the board will meet to discuss these options.
Our own tournament hasn’t been cancelled yet, but it is a possibility and will obviously not run on the scheduled dates. This will be the case for all tournaments that were scheduled during the pause, if you have a hotel room booked for an away tournament during this period, I suggest you cancel. If you have a tournament scheduled just past the closure window I suggest you reach out and keep in touch with the organizers.
Please keep an eye on this website for updates as new information becomes available. Thank-you for your patience,
Alex Russell
President, PSMHA