Sep 28, 2021 | Shaynes | 1107 views
Volunteer Requirement
As mentioned at the
AGM, PSMHA is introducing a Volunteer requirement of 4 hours per family
for the 2021/22 season.
Teams will collect $100 per family once the teams have been selected. Payable by cheque or e-transfer to [email protected]. Families will have their fee refunded once the 4 hours have been served.
There will be many easy ways to earn the volunteer hours for your family during the season:
- Join the bench staff, be the manager or parent rep for your team
- Be an executive member
- Help with the beer shed
- Help at events and tournaments
- Volunteer with the Game Day Crew
- Help with fundraising or sponsorship opportunities
Our volunteers are the key to making this the best season yet! Please reach out to Becky for how you can become involved at [email protected] for more information.