Mar 13, 2020 | webmaster | 1091 views
A Note from President Alex Russell Re: COVID-19
I have pasted the link below, but essentially the OMHA release is telling us to cease all activities until further notice. This includes all games and practices.
I am aware of some teams having booked and paid for their end of year ice. As those are outside the realm of PSMHA I will leave the decision on moving forward with those activities to individual teams. OMHA's Release - "The Ontario Minor Hockey Association’s foremost priority is the health and safety of our participants, volunteers and hockey families. We have been proactivelyworking alongside Health Canada, Hockey Canada and local public health officials in regards to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). In light of recent events, the OMHA Officers have made the decisionto immediately suspend all hockey activities. We will be proactive in informing our constituents on all upcoming protocols and required actions as they become available."