Apr 25, 2019 | webmaster | 2267 views
**UPDATE** Zone Hockey/Shared Boundary
The OMHA has determined that the timing is too tight to implement the zone hockey initiative for the upcoming season. We are now required to gauge interest in Port Stanley DD Rep teams for next season.
This means: You MUST have a 3.5 release to attend St Thomas tryouts next week. How do I get a 3.5 release? – You MUST register by May 2 6:30 pm. The board will be meeting at 7 pm to discuss the teams that will run or are folded. The results of that meeting will be posted on this site. How to I register – click the registration link above and fill out the required information. YouMUST click the box for Rep. When you get to payment, click cheque or other. **Only those who are registered by THURSDAY AT 6:30 PM will be on the 3.5 list that we provide to St Thomas and the OMHA.** If you miss this deadline, you can appeal to the Board, but your appeal will not be heard in time for the A level tryouts in St ThomasAn inbound Port Stanley player is REQUIRED to have a 3.5 release to be eligible to try out in St Thomas.Players who are only interested in Local League are also encouraged to register early. This allows us to better prepare for the upcoming season in regards to # of teams and size of teams and ensures you are not placed on a waiting list! At the PSMHA Annual General Meeting, the concept of a zone agreement (shared boundary agreement) was discussed. The motion to authorize the PSMHA board to finalize an agreement with West Lorne and St. Thomas was presented.
The motion was passed with 95% voting in favour (40-yes, 2-no).
The next step of this process is approval by the OMHA and they meet this weekend.
More details to follow.