Apr 17, 2019 | webmaster | 1214 views
PSMHA Needs You!
Miss the AGM and still want to help out within the association? We have 1 board position still open – Director of Fundraising.
The position is pretty self-explanatory, essentially you help coordinate association fundraising initiatives by working with Team Managers and suppliers. In past years this has been pepperettes, but feel free to bring your ideas…you get free admission to all PSMHA home games!
There are also 5 appointments that the executive make at their first meeting.
Please check out their job descriptions and send an expression of interest to [email protected] before May 20th.
1. Webmaster
2. Registrar
3. Game Day Operations
4. Ice Scheduler (paid $2600/season)
5. Head Trainer
Don't forget, the Hockey Mom’s are also looking for new members!